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Yet more cheats.


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Okay, so I've shot down a large scout and I decide to raid it due to the fact that I'm short on Elerium. I shoot down all the aliens outside the ship and then enter the first room. I send one man to cover the right hand door whilst sending three to probe into the small chamber to the left.

In the meantime a sergeant 'bores' a hole in the centre room.


To the left the three are being held up by a persistant floater until he walks into a rain of plasma and is no more. I know there is one more somewhere in the control room but impatient as my men are the one on the right decides to advance through the door. BAM! He's taken out without even passing through the door but because there is only one floater left I rush my three men in on the right because in the same turn that floater will have it's back to them, Right?


Wrong, the floater is facing to the left and fies off another shot but luckily misses. How come the floater has learned to shoot behind him? Remeber, it must have been facing to the left to kill the first man and yet when I enter it the control room it is facing left all within the same turn.


What new shocking abilities have the aliens developed?




Has anyone else come across this 'cos I have never seen it?

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Say the alien is sitting up near the nav units, and you enter the control room via the south entrance. The alien turns to the south-east, but may still be in a position to see the northern entrance, depending on where his is sitting. This means he can still turn to face north east in order to shoot the next units who come through.


That is to say, the two entrances are not behind each other, rather they are next to each other. While it is rare that an alien is placed in such a way as to take advantage of it, it's happened to me too.

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I thought about this BB but the horrid little chap was parked on the corner of the propulsion room and if you think about the angle of fire to shoot my man before entering the control room he normaly wouldn't have an arc of fire there anyway.


I have come across the type of situation that you describe but in this case the alien would have to have a sight arc of about 320 degrees and a firing arc of the same. In normal battle they don't seem to have this ability.


I wish I'd saved the game but my only save was ages before this happened and the odds of the same situation cropping up are doubtfull, but I am going to try and set it up again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah, that one's easy. The trick involves selecting a base, and then loading a game that doesn't have a base that's built in the same slot as the one you just selected.


What's happening is that the game doesn't save the the last selected base location in the save file, so by loading a new game, the game will continue to have the last base slot selected. As the newly loaded file doesn't technically have a base in that slot , you'll get whatever was left in game's allocated memory. You'll generally get the same layout as the last base, or you'll get one that's made up entirely of one or random modules. The stores will generally be filled with all sorts of stuff that can be sold or transferred out.


It's not really a bug. They just didn't make the game bullet proof.



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