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Why, oh why


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well first off i went to a terror zone to fight i was doing good and all but

i started to wonder when the hell was the mission going to end i fought and fought to the last soldier and finally he kicked the bucket and i looked at the score 42 aliens killed how did that happen i mean i have never heard of such a number!

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Nope. Never have such an experience before. Geeze, many of you have such strange, random encounters, I wish I got one too. Someone on this forum did mention that you could use xcomutil (?) to add more enemies in a mission. I never try it.


BL. -- Canada.

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The 80 item limit is only to limit your equipment so that the aliens can have an equal chance at bringing some items in. The actual number of maximum items is slightly more than twice that amount. I think it was 170 odd items or so.


But assuming most of the aliens have the standard getup of a heavy plasma, a clip and a spare, and finally an alien grenade, that adds up to quite a lot of items, even if some of them were terror units (I don't know if terror unit and HWP weapons count as objects...)


Were any of the aliens unarmed?



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i just looket up the table size.... the max number of units in a battlfeild is 80 (tanks take 4 entrys)


so an avenger team 0f 26 could easily face 50 aliens



the item table for UFO is 170 and TFDT is 240

so you with that many aliens you probably would have some unarmed in UFO but are less likely to in TFTD



-Blade FireLight

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Civilians are included in that too, right?

And beyond a certain number of units the corpses will begin to disapear.

Notice any disapearing corpses?



I don't think Terror/HWP ammo counts (if it does it is probably 1 object for the 'clip') because most of the plasma and laser stuff has 255 shots. They probably just count as 4 units alive and 4 objects dead/stuned.

I've experimented with adding aliens and the most I could get on the battle field was about 35-40 with an avenger. Does map size or the original number of aliens have anything to do with it? This was with a large scout with extra clips deleted. I was wondering if a larger map could have more aliens.

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