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Buy Hammer and sickle


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Hey guys, I'm a long time lurker here (May 2002!) but since there is absolutely no buzz on the best new strategy game, I figured I should log in and pipe up. Hammer and Sickle is an unbelievable game. The campaign is dynamic and offers a ton of choices. The story does not feel like it's contrived, it actually seems like these events will happen whether you are there or not, and you are just another cog in a big wheel.


It's definitely still a strategy game. There are some role playing aspects, but they are not the strong points. The strong points are knowing when to sneak, when to bluff, and when to fight. So far, most battles I've been in have given me the opportunity to set up ambushes. Balancing your characters with a good armament is very important, but weight is a heavy factor. Guys can't carry a tank on their backs.


Anyways, if you want to see games like Silent Storm, Jagged Alliance, and Xcom, this game needs to succeed, and it deserves it.

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Hi Hurlshot, good to see you posting.


I will definitively buy H&S when it's released. Q1 2006 is what it's set for in Europe. I quite enjoy the Silent Storm games, though I haven't played them as much as I like. Did you get far in H&S yet?

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I'm about a dozen hours in, although I have no clue how far that is. The American GI explains her reasons for joining you right off the bat...she's a mercenary and she wants money to retire in Mexico. I'm not positive, but it sounds like she's not exactly welcome in the US anymore. The Jewish guy is a bit harder to explain, but he's actually not in my current party. I ended up with some kid from the Hitler youth. He creeps me out, calls me Fuhrer every once in awhile.


You've also gotta look at it as self-defense. The American troops are attacking us, we are just protecting ourselves. There are a lot of shades of grey in this game.


*edit* It was hard to find this game. I went to EBgames.com and did a store search for the game. Then I called each location and asked if they had it. The 2nd store listed had two copies, so I drove about 45 minutes to get it. It was worth it.

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