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Do You Change Those Names?


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That makes me think,


Homer: What are you doing! That putter is to you what a bat is to a baseball player! What a violin is... to the... the guy that... the violin guy! Now c'mon! Give your putter a name.

Bart: What?

Homer: C'mon, give it a name.

Bart: Mister Putter.

Homer: D'oh... You wanna try a little harder son? C'mon give it a girl's name.

Bart: Mom.

Homer: Your putter's name is Charlene!

Bart: Why?

Homer: It just is, that's why! Now this, is a picture of your enemy, Todd Flanders. Every day, I want you to spend fifteen minutes staring at it. And concentrating on how much you hate him, and how glorious it will be when you and Charlene annihilate him!

Bart: Who's Charlene?

Homer: [raises the putter, about to wallop Bart with it] I'll show you who Charlene is! Now start hating!

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I always change a few of the names. But I don't name them after family or something. In fact, the people I name them after only excist in my imagination. (such as my avatar's name here.) This does provide a probem. What if Jack Cloudy dies? He's my alter ego in X-com, so that means I've lost and have to reload.
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There's an old thread kicking around here on soldier renames... Usually your burn rate is pretty high until you get some reasonable psi and flying armor. However I will fondly remember the time Fox Mulder dropped a Muton at long range, or Britney Spears shot three aliens in one turn, or Vin Diesel took a Blaster Launcher to Cydonia.
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Right now I have XCOMUtil adding the rank/kill markers to the names. It's a big help when you are trying NOT to give heavy weapons to your Rear Commander but forget which one he is. Or deciding who needs more experience and gets the next sniping attempt.


I haven't tried that - must get it downloaded so there's more room for silly names.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not being morbid, but I also think XCOM could use a Morgue or at least a List of the Fallen. It's distressing to me when at the beginning of the mission you have "Sgt. Tamrin, Scout, 9 kills" and at the end of the mission you have "Corpse #2" and can't remember who it was or what they did.


My game is so unstable I have to save all the time so I just go back and see who 'Bought The Farm'.

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Soldier corpses don't sell for much, see, so they use what little room they have for the aliens.



There must be a lot of 'Temporary Graves' around the world. In my game the Wargraves Commission would have a full time job. :lovetammy:

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Carlos used to do this all the time. He didn't mind so much when Warlord shot himself in the foot with a blaster bomb, but when Tammy bought it, he had to reload. :lovetammy: Come to think of it, I've considered shooting Warlord in the foot with a blaster bomb a time or two.....
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My goodness - her Majesty on one of my posts. (drops to knees ond bows head)

"Oh I will do that for you your Tammyness." (walks backwards with out lifting gaze to leave the room)


"Mmm, Warlord - sounds like he'll be quite a big geeza. Probably quite tough too. Wonder if I can bribe him to shoot himself in the foor?"

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A don't think I ever renamed a soldier. I sometimes "modify" an original name to include training info such as firing accuracy, reactions etc. But after the soldier is maxed out, I remove this info again.


Nicknames? You bring up a good idea there, JFG. There has been one instance where I add a nickname: when the original soldier name is Don Nash. (This name is only possible for the PlayStation) Why? Well, a long time ago I had a soldier by the name of Don Nash. Not only did he single-handedly save an entire squad from certain doom, but he was also an expert on using the Heavy Cannon and had insane Psi-resistance to boot. My nickname: "The Mon" - slang for "The Man". :cool:


- Zombie

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Oh - just remembered another idea by reading old posts. Nicknames.

"Spooky" for the top psi-guy, "Crackshot" for the top sniper, etc.



Yeah, that's a good idea. I put symbols on the name for officer rank too so that I can identify them from most parts of the game.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Carlos used to do this all the time. He didn't mind so much when Warlord shot himself in the foot with a blaster bomb, but when Tammy bought it, he had to reload. :eh: Come to think of it, I've considered shooting Warlord in the foot with a blaster bomb a time or two.....


Well, Warlord was far more replaceable.


'Meet new Warlord, same as old Warlord'

Rocket-jockeys don't need impressive stats, but my best female scout/UFO stormer does :thinking:

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