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cant build factories?


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You might need a total knowledge level of 5 or 6 at the base you're trying to build a lab at, if you're going for the advanced labs. So, that usually means 2 colleges or 1 college + school. Of course, you generally want to go for 2 colleges, especially at bases that produce alien resources...
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If they've got a college and a school, it should be fine. That's enough knowledge there to build any structure in the game. Problem with building two colleges is that they require one knowledge each, so you've got to build a shool or library anyway to build the first college, then you've got to build a second college, and then demolish the school or library.


It's a pain in the butt, and it doesn't seem to be particularly helpful, at least in my games. (But then, it's possible I'm missing something. If a territory goes cultist in my game, I merely take it back and exterminate all adjacent cultist territories.)


Does a high knowledge level give any other bonus other than building more advanced structures, and upping your bases' resistance to propaganda?


Also, if you've got the requisite knowledge level, try clicking on an empty lot in your base. Often, I've found that does the trick. Apparently the game needs you to select an open plot yourself before the build button works.

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higher knowledge = more ressources from mines.


As for the building that won't build: Make sure you select the lab/factory to build in the list then select a patch of land. There's a small bug where if you select a patch of land and THEN the building to be built, you won't have the build option highlighted. Other than that, like the other people said, make sure you have enough knowledge. Also make sure you have enough ressources.

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