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UFO: Aftershock Creativity Contest


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To keep your brains occupied with more than counting calories this Christmas, we've decided to announce a brand new Creativity Contest for UFO: Aftershock! We're interested in anything from screensavers to modifications - anything your twisted imaginations can come up with really. For more suggestions and rules, check out our competitions page.


fan_01.jpg fan_02.jpg fan_03.jpg fan_04.jpg

These fan artworks were created by Ian Douglas

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*stops counting beans* Contest ?! Creativity !?


Well, it was about time! :(


"ALTAR / Cenega employees and StrategyCore staff may not enter."


Oh!! Oh, ignominy !


Can't I enter ? Can't I - please ?! *grovels*


*pulls himself back together* You shall be hearing from me, good Sir! Indeed you shall! ;):(






"I will maybe participate. But only fan-fic (maybe poetry) though. Art, models and music is to hard for me..."


Have you ever tried simple but powerful music loop software such as Fruity Loops, Stefan100 ? Give it a try; you may surprise yourself with just how much you can accomplish with a few samples.


@Simon Röjder:


"If I find time and energy enough it will hopefully be as detailed as this one in the end."


Quality work, there, Praetoris. Stay the course for the final entry! :(

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Have you ever tried simple but powerful music loop software such as Fruity Loops, Stefan100

Nope, have never tried to make music ever... But I will try that "Fruity Loops" later. Thanks for the suggestion!




Nice begging media you had there Thorondor. :( Cant you share your secret how you find everything allmighty Thorondorpedia?

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"Nice begging media you had there Thorondor."


You like ? :(




"Cant you share your secret how you find everything allmighty Thorondorpedia?"


What you need to understand regarding 'Entity T' :(;), as a basic precept is: everything will eventually find me. :( :(

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