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Any games like Pirates! - only in space?


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The basic idea is that you go round the galaxy buying and selling different commodities while trying to stay away from pirates. Once you've made a pile of cash, you can upgrade your ship and weapons systems, giving you the opportunity to live off piracy or bounty hunting.


There have been several different versions of the game, and it has been ported to a number of platforms.

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Space Rangers.


Granted, it's 2D and turn-based, but it's good.


Unfortunately, the english edition of Space Rangers 1 was never published so the only ways to get it is bundled in the DVD of Space Rangers 2.

That looks rather neat, but how can I get a copy in English? There are no links to buy SR 1 or 2, let alone try a demo.

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Back when the english version of SR 1 came out, they couldn't find a publisher. So the moderator at the official forum posted a link to a torrent of it.


Yes, that what I said.


And one of the programmers encouraged it. Said they wanted to get feedback.


Apparently the russian version made such a killing that they can afford to let the english version out for free. Hunt around, you might find an old torrent. Forum rules prevent me from posting the link.


That, plus Slaughter would smack me...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Trying Space Rangers 2, damn cool looking game so far, definitely has the Pirates! feeling all over the place, but much better! (I'm more of a sci-fic fan, so Pirates! in space appeals to me more than real Earth pirates...)

Talking about amazing interfaces!


It's most unfortunate that the translation to english is far from perfect :lovetammy:

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I find the English translation to be more than adequate, especially seeing as it's a Russian game that one of the actual programmers worked on translating into English. I only find one little difficulty with the translation: In one mission, you get told by the Phel'Eng to blow up a garbage truck ship as a bounty. You don't get told the name of the ship, meaning the mission is automatically a bust.

I'm having trouble playing a straight trader though. I got tons of cash and neat spaceship parts by just flying around doing fedex missions, but buying and selling seems FAR less profitable, and the trading skill apparently doesn't influence it. Being a pirate is a little easier, except when the cops come to kick my ass. No problem, afterburner on, bye-bye.


Incidentally, I strongly urge you to sell the dominator ship parts to the science space stations, as it's one of the ways to defeat the three Dominator supercomputers.


For a FAQ, go here: https://www.octopusoverlords.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=16820 has minor spoilers.


Good points: Great alien races, good humour in mission briefings, interesting tactical ship combat, good RPG feel (hunting for better spaceship parts and developing your personal skills, good ranking system (you can win number 1 position as a fighter, trader or space pirate), BRILLIANT interface, best for that kind of game I ever saw, great "living world feel." Also has neat text adventure, Gradius space shooter and RTS minigames, which are all COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and all pretty enjoyable.


This is an excellent game. I urge everybody to buy it, it has some for everybody.

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What would you suggest I do at the beginning? the only mission I get is one that requires me to jump to a system that is beyond my capabilities, and I am not sure what to trade where, so I'm kinda just... flying around.


Nobody says you have to make it in ONE jump. Jump to a star system as far away as you can, then land on a planet to refuel, then jump to the next star system and repeat until you reach your destination. Note: there's also a starship part that allows you to regain some fuel each day. It is the best part in the game - see if you can find one at a Ranger station, then stock up on Dominator nodes until you can buy it. Never having to land and refuel again is quite wonderful IMO.


I also suggest you do the RTS missions when you find them. They pay very, very well, both in money and ship parts.


If you want to be a pirate, I can suggest getting yourself a scanner. That way, you can scan potential marks (using the I key and clicking on them) to see what cargo they have in their hold. Just be careful the galactic cops don't come kick your ass. That's when you need to activate your booster.


I just finished the game. Jolly good game.

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