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Interesting weapon stats


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Before I let you in on some surprising facts, here are the assumptions of my calculations:

1) All damage types are treated equally.

2) The hit probability given for the auto shot is applied independently to each shot.

3) Grenades were assumed to have 100% hit probability.

4) The effects of splash damage is ignored (so no x4 for large units and damage to multiple aliens).


I calculated the "Effective damage factor" using the equation:

EDF = Weapon damage*Hit probability*Number of shots


The number of shots is int(100/TU cost)


Findings, based on the calculations:

1) The most powerful weapon in the game is the heavy plasma on auto fire. EDF = 345.

2) In all cases where auto shot is available, it is always better to auto shoot, except for the rifle (EDF Auto = 63, EDF Snap = 72)

3) You should never take aimed shots, except for the rocket launcher.

4) The snap EDF rating of the pistol is 78, while the highest EDF rating for a rifle is 72 on auto fire. Thus the pistol is better than the rifle.

5) The slowest way to damage aliens is to use a rifle with aimed shot (EDF = 33). The auto cannon is next, with EDF = 34.44 with aimed AP shooting.

6) The best conventional weapons are rocket launcher (large) with an aimed shot; EDF = 115. Although the incendiary rocket & HC get second place, the lack of immediate damage means the 2nd place really goes to the HC with AP ammo on snap fire.


When I have time, I will write a mod that suitably balances these weapons. For example, the Heavy laser should have a higher max EDF (currently 127.5) compared to the rifle (166), and in turn compared to the pistol (155).


Sidenote: It is fun to set the autocannon's HE damage to 255 :mad: :)



P.S. You can see how much a university degree helps :cool:

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When you calculated the number of shots for auto fire, did you multiply it by three? The heavy plasma for example would've fired 9 rounds on auto. You did say that the shots were counted independently. Can you clarify?


Also, were these tests run on all the ranged weapons?



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When you calculated the number of shots for auto fire, did you multiply it by three? The heavy plasma for example would've fired 9 rounds on auto. You did say that the shots were counted independently. Can you clarify?


Also, were these tests run on all the ranged weapons?




Yes, I multiplied the auto weapon fire by 3.


When each shot was calculated independently, by that I mean a 35% accuracy with auto means each shot has a 35% chance of hitting.


I didn't use tests, instead I used the equation above. The calculations were done on all weapons.


FWIW, I'd still prefer a rifle or autocannon with auto fire at close range because snap shots just invite reaction fire.

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On the contrary, with the exception of the plasma pistol, autoshots invite reaction shots a lot more than snapshots. The more expensive the action, the faster your current reaction level is depleted during the turn. The plasma pistol has identical snap and auto firing costs, so it's irrelevant which shot you use.


But I still agree, I'd very much prefer an autoshot up close than a snap shot. Snapshots are better for quick medium to long range attacks when you're out of visible range.


With the Pistol -vs- rifle, I'm of the opinion that the rifle's main gimmick is its auto fire mode (short range combat). The pistol excels at single-shot modes (medium to long range combat). This sets both of them apart. The rifle's aimed mode is nice, but is rather wasted by its low average damage and expensive firing cost. Still, if it hits, that 0 - 60 AP damage is still a rather crippling attack against soft targets (all three species of them).




Yes, the heavy plasma indeed has a lot of good solid numbers on its side, so its higher rating isn't all that surprising. It's the uber gun that everyone is meant to change to later in the game, after all. Or at least that's what the programmers may have intended.


I find it rather amusing how the pistol's snap and aimed EDF are almost exact swaps of their hit probability.



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Findings, based on the calculations:

2) In all cases where auto shot is available, it is always better to auto shoot, except for the rifle (EDF Auto = 63, EDF Snap = 72)


It actually depends on the number of rounds that you can shoot. If the choice is between 2 auto shots or 3 snaps then you should use the snaps if you have a Rifle or a Plasma Rifle. Check this post for some calculations regarding this matter.

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