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[AS] CD or DVD? Also, starforce question.


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Hi guys


I'm considering keeling over and buying Aftershock (regardless of my dismay over StarForce and the fact that everyone and their kid brother seems to be able to find a fatal crash or gamebreaker bug in the game). Does it just come on DVD or is there a CD version as well? When I built my gaming rig, I didn't put in a DVD drive (tight budget constraints).


Now, normally, this wouldn't be a problem, as I just make an image of the DVD using alcohol or whatnot on my other computer, then transfer the image over the network to the gaming rig, mount, install and crack it as usual, then play.


However, since Aftershock uses StarForce, I can't really do that (drive emulators + StarForce = bad).


So, if it comes on DVDs only, then I'm hosed until I can get a cheap DVD drive. However, if it comes on CDs, or I get a DVD drive then I still have my other problem -


Given my description of the setup I use, it's fairly obvious that I have Alcohol and DaemonTools on my gaming rig. I'm familiar with the general principle I specified above, but my question is: In order to run AfterShock would I have to completely uninstall the two pieces of software? Or do I just need to disable drive emulation?


Finally, while typing this post, I had this idea: does StarForce run only when you're trying to run the game, or does it run when installing as well? i.e. could I just do what I usually do (DVD -> ISO -> Network -> Mount -> Install) then disable/uninstall the emulation software and run the game?

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Aftershock is only shipped in DVD format.

DVD-ROMs aren't really expensive and easy to come by and they tend to be more reliable when dealing with SF than burners.


When you install the game, SF is installed with it. It can't run at that moment as it actually requests for the machine to be rebooted as to allow it's drivers to be loaded with windows. SF doesn't run constantly on a machine, only when the CD/DVD check is performed, but it's drivers are loaded with windows at start.


As for the emulation software and all that, I would just go get a DVD-Rom drive and save myself the hassle of fiddling with them.

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Easy solution, take your DVD player from your other machine and put it in the gaming rig. As for emulators, Starforce blacklists DT and A120%, you will need to have the newest versions installed that use random driver names to avoid blacklisting. You will still not be able to run the emulators while playing the game, as Starforce will detect any emulated drives b/c emulators show as SCSI drives, not IDE....there are work around if you are persistant, but this probably isn't the place for them.
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In Russia Aftershock is sold by 1C both on DVD and on 4CDs.


As for the images, I remember reading somewhere about workaround for Alcohol images to work through Starforce. But I can't remember where.

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