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Most annoying mission ever!

The Demi-Godly One

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What was your most annoying (Not worst) mission ever?

Mine was one where I sent my elites to a terror site, when I got there I decided to get out of the skyranger.

So I find myself out on the edge of the ramp, I make my unit look to the left, and I see 2 cyberdisks.

But when I looked someone shot at me, so I look in his direction and see 5 MORE CYBERDISKS, making a total of seven!

I retreat 2 steps back to my ship before a couple notice me and fire a shot, it misses so I take another step and 5 shots come flying.

Convently hitting 4 civilians in a row :hmmm: and the last shot hits my guy giving him 2 helth. But no fatal wounds.

I try sending out another guy and about 30 shots go for me, some missed, but many hit. My guy SOMEHOW survived (Although he had around 100 health) and runs back in the skyranger. I know it is useless to go outside, so I wait a turn.

I try again next turn, same results. So I end turn again. I try AGAIN next turn and the same thing happens, leaving me with 4 units!

So I had to wait in my skyranger for the cyberdisks to move their little fort. After a couple of turns I send a scout out, he sees the same little fort but does not get shot, so I make him go in the skyranger, and I try again later. This process goes on untill about turn 200!

Eventually I get to start my terror mission and win, just barely. It turns out (As I found out on the last turn) a civillian ran in my ship (I can't imagine how) and hid in there. So despite the little fort I still managed to save a civillian.


P.S. The civillian was able to run in because I aranged all my units in a line on the first turn inside my skyranger, the units that didn't all fit on the right side, were facing backwards.

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one mission that was annoying, i was down to 3 men after a blaster bomb hit my squad when they were advancing on an ethereal battleship, the 3 men had to fight the whole battleship, landed not shot down, with stun rods and a laser pistol. 2 of them got mind controlled inside the battleship(including the laser pistol guy) and the last guy was left to clear the inside and outside of the battleship. i saw the last alien (i think) and was killed by a mind controlled guy with a reaction shot.


An annoying one in TFTD was were i was let with one man and i was searcing for an alien that was on one side of the map and when i would get there the hidden movement screen would come up and show him to be on the other side of the map, continue for about 50 turns until i got bored, said "right, f**k it" and started throwing grenades with a couple of turns on the primer

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