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What does X-com stand for?


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Just like what the title says:


what does x-com stand for?


It may have been answered before, but did search in forums and no hits.


Anyway, I also like to advertise for my post in the TFTD forum, I am making a TFTD guide and need inputs, anything.

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From electronic version of UFO: Enemy Unknown player's handbook, page 6:


"On December 11th 1998, representatives from the world's most

economically powerful countries gathered secretly in Geneva.

After much debate, the decision was made to establish a covert

independent body to combat, investigate and defeat the alien

threat. This organisation would be equipped with the world's

finest pilots, soldiers, scientists and engineers, working together

as one multi-national force.


This organisation was named the Extraterrestrial Combat unit:



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Okay thanks guys, at least I got the exterrestial part right ...


Ya I know I should have checked the manual (had a feeling it may be in there and it may nip me in the butt for asking) but just too lazy and can't find it.




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