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Wargot sub campaign.


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After destroying the wargot mothership with a team of 6 people I decided to go back to an earlier save and replay the WG Ship with just two people.


Same outcome. No deaths.


Destroying the support strands is far too easy as you can do it with a room full of wargots around you and complete the mission. ;)


Also slightly dissapointed that I encountered no WG Heavy Armors just wg soldiers and scouts.


Gah so dull!


Just waiting for my sg researches to be finished now ><

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You can pick your way around the Starghost missions as the mission descriptiopn starts "There is a disturbance up ahead" rather than "This area is swarming with Wargots" or whatever it says.


Trust me - I took the easy route after figuring that out ;)

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