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Mutants invading Cultist province?

Accounting Troll

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or something that was supposed to happen.


In my current game on veteran level, the Wargot ship is still a few days away. The Cultists started up in Iran, Australia and Brazil. I decided to bottle up the Cultists before the arrival of their buddies. I took Venuezela and Argentina, thus bottling up the Cultists in Brazil. I decided not to destroy them because of the future research requirements.


Although Venuezela was connected up by sea and I stuffed it full of Militia HQ buildings, I left my outpost in Argentina as a buffer region. I wiped out the Cultists in Iran, and the Cultists in Australia were too distant to worry about.


Then the Cultists lost their base province in Brazil, with the new owners being the Mutants. They took it back a day or two later while I was busy consolidating my hold in North America, but I'm wondering if that was meant to happen. Maybe I just missed something in the manual...


Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

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Yes, me. Starghosts attack them as well.


Speaking of territories, how far ddid you get? I've got all Europe, Asia and Australia, as well as most of Africa (2/3 is uncontrollable, and all the south and southwest is Starghost territory). At this moment, the cult only has the two America's, but I've got a base there as well, Los Angeles. ;)

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So far, I have Europe, the Middle East, most of Africa and northern and central America. The Wargots have just waded in, only to find out the hard way that I was prepared for their attack. The Cultists have Brazil and parts of Australia and south-east Asia. The Starghosts have yet to turn up in my game.
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