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Loading from inside a tactical mission?


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I admit it: I suck at playing videogames. Many are the times I've sneaked my X-Com squad along a fence, only to cross a corner and come face-to-face with the 2005 Alien NRA convention, losing 9 out of 10 guys from the resulting Laser Sandwich. Now, I usually reload when I do something monumentally stupid like that, only it bugs me that I have to click the "Abandon Mission" button and sit through the post-mission briefing telling me I suck and then hit load back on the Geoscape. Isn't there some way I can load games from inside the tactical missions, or a quicksave/quickload function or some such? I'm playing the Collectors Edition found on *link removed*.


[Edit by Zombie: removed link.]

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...Isn't there some way I can load games from inside the tactical missions, or a quicksave/quickload function...




No. I'm pretty sure you would have to change source code around to implement a quickload feature. That's way outta my league. Also, you do know about saving the game within a tactical mission, don't you? Well, if not. When in a mission, click the button with the question mark. The save button is down the bottom right. That's as close you could get to a quicksave feature.

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Well, I'm pretty sure that Gungadin is doing just that - saving in the Tactical and if something goes wrong: abort to Geoscape and reload from there. He just wants to reload from within the mission iteslf to skip all the waiting involved. A true "quickload" just isn't possible without the actual source code, and Hasbro/Atari (?) will never release it as long as they own the rights. ;)


- Zombie

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Don't sneak squads along fence lines.


At most send one person along the fenceline.


If all your troops are following each other, then they are blocking each others LOS, and so won't be able to shoot anything you come up against.


A wall only gives you cover if it is between you and the alien, so it doesn't matter how close you stand to it. I find it's just as safe to stand out in the open and use the kneel button anyway.

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That's the good old "The soldier that sees the alien should not be the one that shoots the alien". Wonderful strategy - if there's only one strategy in this thread you'll ever remember - that's the one.


One way of getting good at this game is to not rely on save-reload immortality. Try to get into the habit of only saving in the Geoscape and in battlescape only when you cannot finish the battle in one sitting.


Take some time to run a few practice missions by saving the game just before you launch the Skyranger. Play with different squad mixtures and weapon combinations and hit the mission over and over, without saving in the battlescape and loading only when you end the mission, either in success or failure. The reason for not saving in the battlescape is so that the map is refreshed every time, forcing you to react to new battle conditions - which is a good thing.


Although this won't progress your game, at all (if you keep attempting the same mission), it does give you time to try new things and develop some strategies of your own and perhaps even master a variety of weapons you wouldn't normally use.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I admit it: I suck at playing videogames. Many are the times I've sneaked my X-Com squad along a fence, only to cross a corner and come face-to-face with the 2005 Alien NRA convention, losing 9 out of 10 guys from the resulting Laser Sandwich. Now, I usually reload when I do something monumentally stupid like that, only it bugs me that I have to click the "Abandon Mission" button and sit through the post-mission briefing telling me I suck and then hit load back on the Geoscape. Isn't there some way I can load games from inside the tactical missions, or a quicksave/quickload function or some such? I'm playing the Collectors Edition found on.


There isn't one so people won't cheat :phew:


Also getting wiped out a few times teaches you how to use "tactics"....

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