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Strange visual bug...


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any got that some problem?


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2


look, at "Down" of chars... the normal is a simble... but look at the mine? is like a, strange cube... in dont know is so strange, no is a ball with the correct color of the soldier...


any1 can help-me?



so strange and isn't is a problem with my video card ( radeon 9600 pro 128/128 400/600 ) because i play another games and have no problem....


any1 know something about that? thnx for t atention


and sorry for the noob english :/


obs : resolution used 1024@75hz high/high ...


=( snif

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Yeah.. your English is awful, but not as much the spelling as the oh-my-god-so-awful "any1" and so forth.


Knock that shit off. Please. This isn't AOL.


I'd advice you to get the newest set of ATI's Radeon drivers. Even if you have a supported card, your drivers might not be supported. Do at all times keep your drivers updated, as they are backwards compatible. I think you can sign up for ATI's news letter which will inform you when new drivers become available.

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the version is most new...


"Catalyst version omega 5.10a

2d version

package version 8.183-051013n-027321e-ati"


the last at the omega site... the best to make ati drivers for game, up more than 20 fps at my games like : cs source, dod, cs...

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Do you mean the character selection sistem, or the low-resolution-textures-of-doom?


no are high...


i know the problem is the driver because i change the driver ( omega 2.675a ) for one more old you know? ( omega 2.671 ) and some graphis are beter, like the problem of selection, or the texture ... but have another problems like the face of chars are black! huehaeuhae


any1 play with some radeon? prefence with one 9600pro like mine... and can telme one driver?


thnx ;)

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i think the problem is the omega drivers ( www.omegadrivers.net )

i will try get a catalyst 5.10 under ati site


if you dont know... the omega drivers are the best to play games like : cs source, cs, wherever... all games with first person, but i think the ufo:as dont suport that driver im gettin the catalyst 5.10, i send the result here...

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i think the game dont suport the catalyst 5.10


i take the catalyst 5.10 at the site, and install... now, the game dont enter jezz lol

getting now catalyst 5.9 zzz...

i see that at readme faq:

" If everything else fails, try checking your video drivers. UFO:

Aftershock is tested to run with the following driver versions:

- Catalyst 5.8 for ATI cards

- ForceWare 77.77 for Nvidia cards

The game should of course work on newer versions of the drivers

as well."


but... ati catalyst 5.8 is slow... have another way?


i dont know what to do... help?


edit: 5.9 dont works too...

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I suggest you install the Omega drivers again, and then play around with the options like "Use old VA mode" and so on.


dont work, the unic way is:



install your catalyst 5.10 ( no omega )

go to your folder in profiles, like the mine:

"D:\Jogos\UFO Aftershock\Profiles\BuZZ"


remove the file : options.txt



obs: you cant change the "quality" every time is VERY LOW, but the game runs great

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