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Oh,and damn who Preda? The guys who made the game?


I cant wait to go to hell myself,its probably going to be a fun place as everyone will be there!Unless the thought of wiping your bum with a bible horrifies you,you will be there too my friend.See you there,and dont forget to bring your copy of UFOAS! ;)

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Hey Slaughter,do you think a performance fix may be in the patch?.I think the game could do with one personally,as a lot of us have pretty beefy systems and the game isnt' doing much justice for our systems,you know?.I mean the game is great and it looks good too!,though there ARE games far more demanding out there,and I think this game certainly should be handling a lot more onscreen too.Perfect example,when I got Doom 3 I was blown away by the raw realism of the environments,the lighting in particular,and this game doesnt (or does it?) display any advanced effects like those.The detail is very nice though. ;)


I think the performance gripes have been discussed before,so,forgive me for bringing it up again.



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I think the bug fixes will iron out some performance issues, but I think Martin said that bugs was the priority in this patch. Hard to tell however, so we'll just have to wait and see. I agree that it shouldn't be such a resource hog though!
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Well chalk it up next to Silent Storm there Slaughter. I remember when X-COM Apocalypse came out and that was a resource hog - we'll look back jokingly at these threads in a few years time with our supercomputers in front of us ;)
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You know Slaughter,me and you really think alike.


As you obviously like metal,and me too (of about 15yrs now),however my style of metal is rather radical and controversial to say the least.Have you heard of the Norwegian one man army called 'Burzum'? well Varg (Kristian) Vikernes,who was founder and solo frontman is currently serving a 25 yr prison sentence in Trondheim for a church burning spree during the early 90s,and for murdering a rival black metal band leader 'Euronymous' from Mayhem.He apparently stabbed the man 25 times ;)


https://www.burzum.org/ <-------- I really admire this man,because he had solid convictions and fought fiercely against modern society to uphold these beliefs.He truly has balls of Steel.My beard is far bigger than his though ;)


And this is probably my favourite band today,even though all their lyrics are in German.



In my opinion? I say all hail to the Norse and Sectoid gods of old,as we wage a bloody galactic war against the cross huggers! :(


Id' love to see your country though mate,maybe get drunk at one of Norways' great Viking ship burning festivals.Damn that would be amazing.


Apologies for going off topic a bit here.

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Okay whe all know this game is filled with aliens and bugs, some of them are a bit more annoying then others. And whe all "tolerate" them 'cause the gameplay is superb.

I too have had my share of bugs and like the rest I'm eagerly awaiting the outcome off the first patch, but today I encounterd a bug that really pissed me off!!!!

While re-arranging my squad at the inventory screen, i moved my sniper too the utter right position when he suddenly vanished into thin air!!!!!!!!. YES, HE VANISHED!!!!!!

I can can life with fact that sometimes a piece off equipment get lost, but a fully trained lvl19 sniper that disapears just like that?

This is not just another casualty of war, this is an outrage!

In his honor I will start training a full squad off snipers and whipe out every single living thing on earth. And I mean humans, cyborgs, psionics, cultists and their alien allies(All of them!)

Dead too them all!!!! Laputians Rule!!!!!!

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Thats unfortunate DS.


I have a constant equipment bug that f#####g does my head in,trying to sort their kit out and when I go back to double check it all reverts back to the previous setting.In the end though I manage to get it sorted.


Another bug I experienced tonight was a Wargot mission.I was on the perimeter of an old POW style camp,I positioned my men ready for what I THOUGHT would be an entire armada of them piling through the only doorway,when my men came under fire,yet the bullets were coming through the wall!.They also blew breaches into the wall and came through them to attack me,so I decided to use this to MY advantage and run through their holes to evade them but the game wouldnt' have any of it.Its a shame you cant remove whole sections of wall,instead of tiny bits.One blast from a frag grenade and it should be enough to remove a larger area than what it currently does.

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