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I'm just curious (if you've ever bothered to count) how many aliens were killed in one mission, by just one guy.


I was doing a base attack early in the game. My troopers were unarmored, but had heavy-plasma. I lost seven guys and a tank (a few of them bunched up in a corridor and got blaster-bombed), while taking out only 6 aliens. The final guy was wounded at least once, but barricaded himself in a blasted out corridor, (just outside the control center, the right corner of the outside corridor had been blasted open by aliens) and the trooper was perfectly positioned to avoid fire. He camped out, didn't move, just sat and waited, and eventually had a nice little pile of bad guys around him. More luck than skill, really.


Has anybody ever counted casualties from a single trooper?

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(My predictable response to this thread was inevitable-- yes, it's that one again)


Had a similar experience. Sent two soldiers into the neighbouring floater base armed with pistols and grenades (this was just for fun, I had no intention in destroying the base). The rookie got blaster bombed, roughly about the first turn, and I lost my best weapon, the laser pistol. Before retrying the mission, I thought I'd let the veteran soldier with the regular pistol go on and see how far he could go -- 13 dead aliens later with absolutely no damage to the soldier whatsoever, a sudden streak of mad inspiration hit me.


Ever since then, I've destroyed entire floater battleships and floater bases with just one soldier. (or rather, I just keep attacking the same battleship and base over and over again -- haven't made any progress in that campaign since)


It usually takes many tries for a solo soldier to successfully sweep away all the aliens on the battlefield (crummy blaster bombs) , but yeah. It's madness, but the fun kind. You can actually learn quite a lot by limiting yourself this way and then apply what you've learned to your squad.


One nice thing about having a single soldier take on all the aliens -- you get some pretty decent stat boosts after the mission.



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In some missions, usually terror sites, 1 or 2 guys get 80% of the kills simply by chance. Like the round and corner and blast an alien, chuck a gernade into a room just to blow some holes in the walls and wind up killing an alien. But usually in my games I set up fireing lines, 2 scouts run up ahead, while 8 guys sit in the back on some hills fireing at what ever the scouts see and the same 2 guys always seem to make the kill. Even if they suck at shooting(like 40% aimed shot while kneeling)


In my favorite game of UFO I have this one guy that is mediocre for a end game guy(has been around for ever like most of my officers) but has tons of luck. I've sent him in alone against everything cept for snakeman bases(must have at least 2 guys) And he always comes out unscratched. That's easily 24bugs on some of the more massive terrorsites.


I've been on the other side too. Sent in 12 men against a small scout. That 1 sectoid killed everyone in that squad cept for 1 officer that was badly hurt by the end(out for like 90+days)

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Ok, my two best soldiers........ one of them has 13 missions and 37 kills, the other has 16 missions and 58 kills i think, more importantly, they NEVER DIE, through coincidence or whatnot, i've finished terror sites with one of them at about 3 health, but they never die
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I played this one Sectoid Terror mission at the beginning of my campaign, and all I had were a few Laser Pistols. Not even Heavy Plasma yet. Well, the way everything was working out, a member of my team would basically get picked off every turn. Eventually, I was down to the last pair, and one of them got hit with a grenade, hurting the other with like 1 fatal wound. The way it all went through though, that last guy, with a laser pistol, was able to kill like 5 sectoids and 2 Cyberdiscs, then was killed by a cyberdisc BLOWING up next to him. So he had 5 sectoids and 3 discs before his noble, noble death. Then, I reloaded before the terror mission and beat it. But hey.. Was still funny to see one guy do that well.
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well my one man army, about 200 missions from the start of the game with around 500-600 kills enough accuracy to fire a heavy plasma with one hand and hit an alien form the other side of the battlefeild with an autoshot, not nealing down
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I got three examples.


Some of you may even remember Pedro the fisherman, thought it's unlikely. I built a new base, but only got one troop to defend it, a rookie. I sent him a heavy guass cannons thingy (fisherman: this is TFTD) and a Heavy Thermic Lance (HTL). I figured no one would attack this base until I'd set it up a bit more, but soon enough, lobster men were at the door.


Starting the mission, I first found the Pedro couldn't actually carry both weapons at once. Soon I found he couldn't really carry the cannon full stop, so here I am with one troop and a HTL.


When the dust had settled, though, Pedro had more lobsters on hand then he could sell. I don't remember what his default name was, but that was the point when I changed it. :tank:


Another troop, Kenji, was a rookie. He didn't do any lone misssions, but he did often end up far away from support, with critacal wounds and the like. But he always survived, and eventually hit the post of commander. I put it down to karma, but when psi was eventually unlocked, it turned out he had a perfect score of 100 psi strength. After that he was easily a one man army.


Last was one rookie I hired just to make up the numbers on a battleship mission. I was running low on elerium, so he was the only guy on the map with no armour on. However, instead of dying horribly, he racked up 13 kills - on that first mission. Unfortunately for him, it was a one off.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a one-woman army story.


Lost an entire 13 person platoon, mostly to stupidity, bad timing, and Mind Control. I was down to my last person. She had been mind-controlled earlier in the game, and so I had disarmed her. She was armed only with a stun-rod, and I was using her to clear corridors and draw fire so my troops could pin-point and draw out the enemy. However, the entire team bought it except her. In the end, she was left in a room with four aliens. By going into the alien chamber, stunning an alien, and then walking out, she managed to stay alive. For some reason, they didn't shoot her (well, they shot her once, but only once), and they wouldn't follow her through the door. So by hopping back and forth, she got all four aliens with her stunrod.

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Once, with me I had my unit take out an alien base with no injuries.

His name was Mario (Because my base was in Japan and I called it Nintendo) he was armed with a laser rifle, not much to say really. He came in blasted up the place and mind controlled the aliens. I actually do stuff like this a lot, so when Mario was done he had all of his stats over 100. (Firing accuracy 134)

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One time I lost 13 men on a large scout and only killed maybe one or two aliens. Last soldier leaves skyranger and kills 8-9 more with a heavy cannon (1 AP mag!) and some grenades. She wasn't wounded but ran out of ammo and killed the last alien with the last grenade. :o
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One i had two troopers held up in a two story barn near the entrance of a battleship. (the skyranger sent there had only six guys). They basicly took down 16 aliens before being killed by a blaster bomb. Don't know how much each took down sence they died before i could look at there kill counter. Also had a tank take down about ten aliens but it doesn't really count sence its a tank.



(Sniper Alpha Zero and Alpha One will never be forgotten..... oh my bad they where Bravo Two and Bravo Six :tank: )

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On the reverse side, I had a base attack the other day, and I was sending all troops to close in on the last alien. Stupidly, I bunched up. Luckily, he didn't have a grenade or blasterbomb. He fired his weapon down a corridor, and the shot flew past 15 guys, without hitting any of them! It struck a far wall way behind them. Now I don't feel so bad about that sectoid that sat in a corner and got missed about fifteen times by stupid troopers standing three meters away.
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i was playing with some muttons on a battleship and i saw one facing the wall, so i shot at him with my laser rifle (gotta love infinite ammo) and he shot me and killed me, flying suit and all, on a 90 degree angle. so i had to blaster bomb the place..... no respect these muttons...... shooting me on a 90 degree angle, lucky it wasnt me (Commander Bevan) :tank:
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