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Looking back at the fuel pods (when you get a minute obviously ;)), it might be nice if they were reflected in the floor. In fact, it'd be cool if you could get the floor to be reflective really.


I always imagined those Sectoids to have clean, polished floors. The Floaters would have bloodied floors due to dissection, the Mutons would have muddy floors due to being foot soldiers etc.


In fact, if this did eventually turn out to be a full-blown mod, that'd be an inteteresting idea - you could tell who's on board by the state of the floors near the entrance and crap yourself you a varying degree accordingly :(

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That's a pretty cool idea about the floor-mess, and it would be very simple to implement.


The reflective floors on the other hand are not so simple... for me anyway. As far as I know, water is the only thing in HL2 that truly reflects world objects. Everything else uses simple environment maps. The floors should definately be reflective though. That would look awesome.

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It's a pity you can't just have a very thin layer of water on the floor then... I guess that'd make some odd splashing noises that would ruin it.


Howsabout you had a REALLY thin layer of water and some kind of transparent floor above it? Guessing you probably don't know how to do that, but it might be an easier solution to reach :(

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Yeah I tried messing with SDK and man was it a pain. They should teach a class on it somewhere... there's a few big things I want in life and one of them is the X-COM mod for an FPS.


The other things I want have to do with girls. I'll leave it at that.

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Now, I could have sworn I found and downloaded such a mod once. Doesn't seem to be on my drive though.


And I have a vague memory of buying Counter Strike for some reason... :)




Ah! Here we go! ;)


The site Gimli linked to has since changed a bit, but you can still find the maps here and here. They don't look quite as impressive as Danials model, but hey, it's a start.

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I've been thinking of making such a mod for the Serious Engine 2 (or 3 if it's finished by then). I'm not so much worried about learning how to use the engine (the guys who beta tested it are always on IRC helping others), it's more the lack of time and people willing to work with it. But it is the best editor out there right now.
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