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Flatsters are way too dangerous

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Well,I was just coming to the end of one of my usual bug hunts,when who happened to show his little flat flapping face?a damn Flatster!.As you can see my 3 squaddies panicked at the mere sight of this nuisance and decided that a Phosphorous grenade was the best option together with some gun fire thrown in for good measure.As it turned out the deadly firestorm merely served to agitate this little shit even more and he bounded up the hill amidst my pretty accurate fire,and then proceeded to chomp his way through their armour in no time!.




This shot does not show the extent of the damage this little b#####d did to my men,but I tell you it forced me to abort! :(


I think they are WAY too tough compared to the other more "intelligent" species of alien in this game,and I was wondering what tactics you emply to down this filth.I think knives are pretty good,but that strategy puts me too close to them,and their breath stinks too hehe.


I think W##kster should have been his name,not Flatster. :(

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Point blank

Or reticulan rifle burst fire.


Also if they move to you you can just walk away from them. When you have good speed you can di it at liesure, but even when your guys are slow if you act quickly you can still run away from them while the rest of your squad shoots them.

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I don't think AP rounds will be that effective im afraid,because in my humble opinion it appears that this creature has some sort of soft almost gelatanous body type?,much like a manta ray?.I think its invulnerability actually comes from its sensory or LACK of sensory organs,which dulls the effects of pain.There might not even BE any internal organs as such.


I am beginning to think that knives and cutting weapons in general are very effective against them,preferably in the hands of someone with a high resistance to pain themselves,as they are gonna get chomped on pretty quick.


Lasers sound a good option too,with their ability to simply burn right through its body and cook its insides.


How effective is Plasma in this game?I think that will be VERY deadly against such 'soft bodied' creatures.


I generally use AP rounds against the Cyborgs and them bloody dangerous Cultist commandos,whatever they are.


I thought fire would have been VERY effecive,and Phosphorous is highly deadly to almost anything!Just go back to the use of Napalm in Vietnam to get a pretty clear picture of what I mean,and how incendaries have evolved.



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I don't think AP rounds will be that effective im afraid,because in my humble opinion it appears that this creature has some sort of soft almost gelatanous body type?,much like a manta ray?.I think its invulnerability actually comes from its sensory or LACK of sensory organs,which dulls the effects of pain.There might not even BE any internal organs as such.


I am beginning to think that knives and cutting weapons in general are very effective against them,preferably in the hands of someone with a high resistance to pain themselves,as they are gonna get chomped on pretty quick.


Lasers sound a good option too,with their ability to simply burn right through its body and cook its insides.


How effective is Plasma in this game?I think that will be VERY deadly against such 'soft bodied' creatures.


I generally use AP rounds against the Cyborgs and them bloody dangerous Cultist commandos,whatever they are.


I thought fire would have been VERY effective,and Phosphorous is highly deadly to almost anything!Just go back to the use of Napalm in Vietnam to get a pretty clear picture of what I mean,and how incendaries have evolved.



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Okay a note on killing a flatster.

I picked up some 9 mm ammo regular and AP early in the game.

Since the flaster clearly is a divine pain in your lower backside. I tried various alternatives to laser weaponry on burst.

Shotguns and desert eagles.

Shotguns were mildly effective if used in concentrated fire. Then again try to be alive with a bulletproof vest riddled with point blank range shotgun holes.

The desert eagles went something like this.


Regular did about 25 damage per hit.

AP did about 90 damage per hit.

Not that impressive....


So my way of dealing with a flatster is pure and simple use maximum available firepower. Any damage is GOOD damage when it comes to those supercharged critters. :(


*Starts designing a series of flatster ashtrays*

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Troll - AP ammo isn't so good against them though it is better and, well, nothing really is good enough until you do an autopsy. Then they go down extremely quickly as you know where to hit them (presumably the big flat bit? :()
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I've just seen how good their armour is against AP rounds :( They seem to be weak against lasers, but Reticulan laser rifles are not as good as pre-Fall human assault rifles against other enemies. I also found out the hard way that flatsters can climb staircases...


Maybe the point of flatsters is to make you experiment with combining projectile weapons with explosives and energy weapons, like you had to in missions against the mutants in Aftermath.


Does completing the flatster autopsy give your soldiers a bonus to their aliens skills when facing flasters? If so, that would make conducting autopsies a higher priority than in Aftermath.

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I have skipped all autopsies though I may be getting around to them soon. The only aliens at this point that are even remotely hard to bring down are the Flatsters. The Greys usually go down in a few hits. Or from one round when an entire fireteam is trained on one. I have stopped using Laser rifles in order to build up a supply of cells since I can't manufacture them yet. I use mainly M4s AKs and G3s with standard ammo since I ran out of AP. ;)


I must agree the shotgun or Laser rifle on burst seem to do the trick best when only one or two troops are close by. Otherwise have every gun available trained on them and they stop moving rather quickly.

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Doing autopsies definitely decreases the life-span for Flatsters. In fact, some of the other autopsies you do will say things like "Perhaps researching this creature will give us an advantage on the battlefield" so I can only assume I'm not going crazy and it does actually make a difference ;)


Ho-hum, there's harder enemies than Flatsters coming up, believe you me ;)

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Just a quick one here....Has anyone tried sonic weapons on those flatsters since sonic waves can turn those jelly organs into mush?


If I'm not mistaken, Flasters have high resistant to everything save energy weapons.. fire is somewhat efficant and so is acid. Energy weapons is definitly the way to go. Even weak energy weapons are efficant against them as they don't really have that much health, but shitloads of damage resistance. Also, be sure to research flaster autopsy as it will allow you troops to get bonous damage for thier enemy skill. There you can also read it's resistance specifics.


When encountering one while not carrying an energy weapon:


I'm asuming your troops are moving in at least small groups so..


1) Put all weapons to snap fire


2) Put all weapons that have it, to burst mode.


3) Forget grenade launchers and rocket launchers. These buggers are quick!


4) It has somewhat less resistance to mechanical (melee) attacks than projectiles. A katana can be of good use here. I've seen a commando take down flatsers on either own with only a katana. Sure, she got a bit hurt and was damn lucky it didn't use it's burn attack, but she killed it good.



Most troops, unless thier speed is poor or awful, should be able to outrun a flaster. If your soldier is alone and without a suitable weapon, turn heel and race back to get help.


Also, spotting a flaster at a distance will grealty increase your chances of killing it without taking any damage. The problem is that flasters are.. well.. flat, have good stealth skill and can not be detected by psys, as they are too dumb. Whenever you expect enemies to be about, slow to a walk. Walking instead of running will make it easier to spot enemies before they spot you.


An other tip is that if you do spot a flaster that hasn't spotted you jet, hit it with a grenade. Even if there's no animation for it, they will be "knocked to the ground" momentarily by the blast, time which you could use to either close in and pour it full of lead, cut it up or get into a good firing position for when it does come at you.

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*SPOILERS MAY BE INCLUDED ACCORDING TO PREDA* (At least if you haven't bought the game, read the manual or seen the movie Chronicles of Riddick)












Imagine the Necromancers in The Chronicles of Riddick in a psionic version. Turning everything into a psionic wastelands with their monoliths.

Combatwise....Ghostlike bodies that tears out your soul?

*Picks up his phone and calls the ghostbusters*

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