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Great Horror games!


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I'd be interested in hearing what horror games you find good. Myself, I'm quite partial to adventure games since most of the "survival horror" games are more of a pain in the bum than frightening. (I do not think a good horror game should involve a heavily armed hero, even if his ammo is limited.)


My list of great horror games, most of them adventures:


I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream. If I had to describe this game in a word, the word would be "merciless." It's a game that revolves around the twisted evil of the human soul and the protagonists search for redemption. Based on a shortstory by Harlan Ellison, IHNMAIMS is set in the distant future where all of humanity has been destroyed by a sentient military computer named Allied Mastercomputer (AM). Only five people have survived to be the playthings of the utterly insane and sadistic AM (voiced by Ellison himself.) who uses them as playing pieces in his sick games. The game is divided into five scenarios, one for each of the main characters, plus an endgame. In each of the scenarios, you will have to navigate the perverse mind of AM and avoid losing your humanity in the process. IHNMAIMS is the only game I've seen that deals with unspeakably gruesome subjects like the Holocaust, rape, cannibalism and suicide in a mature manner that actually adds to the story. It is NOT for kids, but it deserves a 10/10 rating anyway.


Clock Tower for SNES. (Available on ROM and Emulator. There's an English translation somewhare.) Set like a true teen-slasher film, the story revolves around Jennifer and her friends who arrive in a spooky Norwegian mansion only to find that they are not alone. Without giving too much of the story away, I can reveal that you will jump out of your seat several times after you open a door and the game's hideous mass-murderer leaps forward to disembowel you. Recommended highly!


Alone In The Dark 1. Being a fan of crappy Lovecraftian fiction, I really enjoy the Mythos background of this game as well as beating the crap out of zombies with my bare hands. Resident Evil's grandfather, but far superior to it in any way but graphics as you don't get flooded with enemies in the same way.


5 Days a Stranger and Seven Days a Sceptic. BRILLIANT freeware games by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. Great atmosphere and story in both of them, although 5 Days is by far the better game as well as the prequel to 7 Days. Get it here for free: https://fullyramblomatic.com/ Also check out his excellent online cartoons.


Veil of Darkness. Old adventure/action game set in Dracula-country. You play a pilot who crashlands and has to find a way out of the vampire-controlled valley while at the same time fulfilling the ancient prophecy and bringing down the dark lord of the valley.


Survival Crisis Z: Ok, this one's really damn silly, but I just LOVE the games from www.totallyscrewed.net Play a human survivor in a "28 days later" like zombie holocaust, fight vast armies of undead, demons and infected humans, trade for weapons and good to get money, assemble a crew of easily-expendable wingmen, rob and torture other survivors for cash and resources, ally with the anarchist rebellion or the police authorities and bring an end to the plague of undead. Buy it, support Indie gaming.


Sanitarium: A totally WEIRD gaming experience where nothing will make any sense until you start piecing together the puzzle. As a man entrapped in the Sanitarium of his own insanity, you have to fight your own inner demons and figure out the truth about who you are before it's too late. A 10/10 adventure game, but you gotta get the CD-Rom version as the ripped one isn't very good.


Shark! Hunting the Great White. Ok, so it ain't a horror game, but I got Sharkophobia. So sue me!


What are your great horror games, preferably old-school adventures?

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None Hot horror games in the past....

Just the Call of Cthulhu games of which Dark Corners of the Earth should be coming out in the near future.

The mythos of Cthulhu has always been my favourite....

Otherwise you could say that the good old gothic Ravenloft series are pretty decent horror games even if they are a Dungeons and Dragons game setting.

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The two System Shock games. The first has you creeping around in pitch darkness, hoping against hope that your battery power holds out. The second allows you to hide in the dark, but it's still not very comforting to discover a zombie standing a foot away from you in the dark, even if he can't see you...
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