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Gaining territory bug maybe *Possible Spoilers*

Crazy Gringo

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Okay, here is maybe my first bug report....


As I was kneedeep in kicking rear to mutants and aliens alike I got one of these capture the critter alive missions in Cyborg territory.


Due some gungho troppers and too much fire power the poor critter got wasted and I promptly got the Mission failed screen and no loot!!!!! :( (It shouldn't kick you of the playing field because you lost the mission....I won't leave the field of dishonor without the fallen foes weaponry) :(


Even if I failed the mission the Cyborgs liked me just a little bit more. A bit odd since I miserably failed the mission and they lost their territory to the mutants?!?!? So I went in again guns blazing and captured the territory right from under the Cyborgs noses.


I applied the same tactic on another territory....Went in....Lost the mission on purpose :angel: .....Territory became factionless and was ripe for conquest by yours truely.


If this is a 'make the thugs evict the squatters and they will still live you like no tomorrow' tactic then I'm all for it....A fairly easy way of getting rid of psionics and cyborgs....


Or else it's some kind of bug....


If the game should be 'fair'.....Your diplomatic relations should plummed if you failed your mission and the territory should remain in the factions hands.


So is the game not 'fair' or not....'Connie! It's a bug. They put a bug in my ring.'


I'll let the experts decide, while I'll continue to kick rear in the name of me. :(

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I've run into that one a couple of times myself. I'm not complaining too much as it got me my first alien resources mine.


I can understand the Psionics, Humans or Cyborgs liking you a bit more after a failed mission because you did try to help out, thus demonstrating your trustworthiness to people who had probably grown up thinking that the people who accepted the Reticulan offer were traitors to humanity.


However, I think having the locals lose the territory must be a mistake. They've held off the mutants and Reticulans on their own for decades, so they aren't going to evacuate their settlement just because the player has had a minor setback.

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Thanks for that little bit of intel, Kret.


I've just encountered that crash to desktop bug when loading a tactical mission with the Cultists.


I guess that the bugs are in my system. (pulls out his sawedoff shotgun and points it at his PC).

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