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Function before beauty...Mark....

But since he's kicking rear with that sonic gun of his I'll rename him FUBAR. Because that's what he turn his enemies into.

Use sonic weapons for stun?!?Naah! You might as well use them to finish the job.... :phew:


And in continuation of the Cyborg Quick Draw Contest there are these goodies....


Over the Edge!




Making out with mother earth! And mother earth is a tough mistress.

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Evening guys :)


Just thought I would share a few more fine moments with you all,and some NOT so fine.


I always like to begin my evening with a good old-fashioned mugshot.

These guys are my Anti Mutant Task Force (AMTF) and are in the process of being upgraded.


Trooper 6 normally carries a laser rifle,but sadly I ran out for this mission.The trusty SM8 is still a perfect AR though and worthy of high praise.I normally carry a LAW too,but the RPG is great with its Phosphorous Missiles(PM),perfect for roasting anything deemed 'organic'.

As Preda said last night though,LAWS and RPGs arent as powerful as they SHOULD be.

After my initial deployment I sent my 2 main troopers to secure the front line.They were then quickly ambushed by a Muckstar,and it began its usual Psi attack on my man,which sent him flying backwards!.I was really surprised that this creature could inflict such damage as ive bagged em with no problems before.Anyway,they both fryed it in no time.My team quickly secured the first objective and took up their usual battle formation,when a rather dangerous looking creature came into view.My heavy gunner(HG) and RPG instantly began a fierce artillery style attack!The flare effect from the RPG is awesome,I love it.Wondering what this creature was?


You guessed right :D

Such a waste of ammo,still,they ARE quite aggressive :)


The missile scored a direct hit and sent a plume of fire into the air like a small nuke!


Great mushroom effect :)

My team watched in relief and enjoyment as the bug was quickly engulfed in a fierce firestorm.Suffice to say...it died :phew:


And that was about it for my first mission of the night,1 Muckstar and a Flatster,and if I remember 2 Morelmen that were hanging out in a water cooling station,I forgot to shoot that little encounter.I also decided to take a shot of my Sniper too who was relaxing after firing some excellent shots earlier.

Lovely textures on the cooling tower too.


This second mission was interesting,and featured my favourite lads the Commandos (based around the SAS) who were out on one of their usual rescue missions.They also operate at night too.

As usual they adopted a typical battle formation,with the exception of a tighter spacing as there is only 4 in this squad (personal preference).


Damn them f#####g humans are ugly!

The first priority was to quickly secure the bridge and prevent any attempt made by the enemy to use it.

Having secured this crucial area Alpha sprinted bravely across the bridge to secure the main entrance to the building ahead.They were quickly approaching what they are world famous for,building assaults!The pulse raced in their temples,their fingers twitched with eagerness,while maintaining a professional calmness...always.


As Alpha sprinted forward he momentarily felt detatched from his surroundings which was unlike him,and he ran straight into the path of a Muckstar and 2 Brainmen!


These Muckstars can cause a fair bit of damage if allowed to attack first,and it seems they are quite stealthy too,many times they manage to infiltrate my line.

I should note here that I dont NORMALLY use SPAZ Shotguns,and certainly my Commandos' dont,but as this was a rescue quick kills were a priority.They are to be fitted with Flashbangs in the near future,2 days away before the first batch arrive.They should prove to make some great snapshots!


Alpha was sustaining some pretty horrific Psychological damage caused by the Muckstar,but he held firm and fired a fierce volley into the creature from his beloved SMG.I truly love this gun for building assaults I might add.The Muckstar had no chance and died instantly.Alpha quickly got into a better firing position and waited for the Brainmen to make their move,a move that would cost them dearly.


Not long after this firefight and another Moralman came out of the building.Alpha was becoming concerned that he might be overrun here and was counting heavily on the 2 troopers behind him giving him even MORE support fire,who were themselves considering switching to auto fire.That building must be secured at all costs!


Alpha faced the immediate threat with another fierce attack from his SMG and sent the creature flying backwards,almost breaking its back in the process!.


The Brainman was getting dangerously close now and Alpha knew that he must engage full auto fire!


Alpha roared with rage as he pumped the creature full of lead!The Moralman managed to get to its feet and fled in terror through the door.


Alpha shrugging off the excruciating pain in his head quickly secured the doorway.He took this moment to give himself a quick shot of painkillers and mild sedatives.


The rest of the team rushed forward now and joined their squad leader and secured the entire front side of the Building,while one dozy twat of a human decided to wander around inside as if he was looking to buy it! :)


Bravo then quietly took the West wing,Charlie was on East.


Bravo quickly entered the West doorway and set up a watch on the stairs,expecting the alien to be hiding somewhere up there.Charlie was attempting to come in through the rear,while Alpha and Delta held their ground.Notice the arsehole going up the stairs blowing my cover?,I actually tried killing him there and then but the game wouldnt allow it :)


After a thorough search of the upper floor the team were puzzled as to the creatures' whereabouts and decided to widen their search patrol and go back outside.And the most amusing event in the mission occured right there,the almost DEAD creature was attempting to ambush ME outside! :)

Bravo quickly noticed the weapon it was carrying and knew that he couldnt afford to engage it in a frontal assault with his light armour,so he dashed back inside and the team re-grouped for a possible counter-ambush.


The creature never came inside and I assumed its morale had broke again so the entire team went out to face it.I spotted it running around on the perimeter.I couldnt get a clear shot and so I decided to cut off all exits and sent in Delta to finish it with the SPAZ.He finally caught up with it and fired a couple of deadly rounds from the gun which slammed into the creature buckling its puny body.The creature even had the nerve to do a spot of breakdancing in its death throes! :)

Gringo will like that one,he loves Morelmen hehe.



And finally...the extraction point.Thank f### for that,those humans were doing my head in.Can mines kill friendly humans?,because I might consider laying a minefield for them next time.



Well guys thats it for now.Hope I didnt manage to bore you but kept you absorbed :)

After all,this game is worthy of such efforts by us.I look forward to seeing some of your work if you have any.Actually,I am considering starting a new topic for this type of thing.





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I look forward to your future mission logs, perhaps you should start a website for them?


I especially prefer the foward defensive positions north of the gutter on this map layout

(see https://img356.imageshack.us/my.php?image=assault19hx.jpg)


I normally run my HG to the left of the storage tanks with a view down the left side of the building and the door. Plenty of cover to creep everyone else forward, and lots of opportunities for the sniper if positioned far left of the screen just with a view out of the gutter.


Good job securing the humans. Maybe you can rent that site out to them in future?

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Thanks for your comment :phew:


I am considering starting a new thread in here anyhow for those of us who have bags of time to do such things,and a website you say...interesting.

And the link to your image isnt working for some reason,I just tried to have a look.


Again,cheers mate.

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This sequence is mainly for Markavian as he said he is interested in mission breakdowns,and I am to be honest :)

Sorry for boring those who may not be interested.I will post a new section tomorrow that will deal with advanced strategies.


Leaving off from my last Commando mission I decided to keep my men in the field as they are still lacking in vital XP for those unique skills later on.Its a good way of quickly buffing your men up,and you can always save an alien at the end and not kill it,thereby ensuring that you can fight in the same province next time.One team member is also currently recovering from the last fight.

Anyway,bypassing the usual mugshot here is the initial deployment.Bravo and Charlie provide the first field of cover onto the opposite bunker.This initial section will deal largely with basic fire and maneuver drills (FM).


Charlie breaks for the first item of cover,the nearby tank.


Area is secure.Charlie now establishes forward point of covering fire.


Bravo dashes quickly for the left flank of the base entrance.


Bravo has his plan interrupted by a nearby Flatster.This is the risk you take by running,but luckily support was not too far away,and my Shotgunner (SG) quickly provides short range support.Alpha also supports with his SMG.A brainman and Muckstar are also alerted by the noise (even though their guns are silenced).The small battle is now on.


Bravo sustains some fairly nasty wounds from the Flatster,but its eventually dispatched.The Combat Knife proved quite effective here I thought.I will probably be upgrading my knives to throwing knives in the near future.No Shuriken or Katanas either..they arent Ninja hehe.


The team immediately regroup at the rally point and immediately establish a 180 degree fire arc.


A new target appears,in the form of my old friends (X-COM Sectoids) ,the Greys.

It almost pains me to kill these little guys :phew:


The poor guy had no response and instantly fell to my attack.He banged his head against the wall too :D

Really,I pity them.


Its imperative now that the squad secures the bunker entrance and they quickly set up their previously planned maneuver.


Area is finally secure.


Bravo provides first line of cover for the base assault.


Delta now takes up position.


Alpha covers the right corridor approach.Some of you may think its necessary to cover each and every possible angle,even in such a small space as in a room or corridor,but think of it like this,just ONE second in your favour is better than in the hands of your enemy,and it takes more than one second to shift your man from one line of cover to another,ample time for the enemy to begin firing at you before you can even respond.Very important for lightly armoured (for speed) units like these Commandos.Always TRY and keep sensible spacing too,just in case rockets ect are fired,but I know its not always possible,like on most base defence missions,which are sometimes very difficult.


Area is secure.First level complete.I had a funny feeling that more was about to unfold down below...and I was right as you will soon see :)


Quick map of the lower level.


Alpha quickly searches the first corridor rooms.Main team hold ground.


Basic maneuver drills as before,cover and maneuver,and so on.


Bravo targets his new enemy,a Grey.Target is instantly dispatched.You can see the head rock back from the heavy fire.


Now this is only the second time that ive encountered this new enemy in my game,and the last time they caused some heavy damage.

The warp effects on its shield look fantastic.


Bravo quickly flipped his rifle switch to full(snap) auto and fired a rapid volley at his target.


Target is eliminated and another target rounds the corner.


Alpha instinctively rushes to assist his team-mate by attempting to hit its right flank.However ANOTHER target appears towards his rear and he quickly has to re-direct and engage the new target.What I would have given for some advanced scanning equipment here,I almost got outflanked myself!The technology wont be ready for a few days yet.


Bravo encounters stiff resistance with even more alien reinforcements.The situation is now looking dangerous and he has to think quickly or he will be dead!Those lasers will reduce him to a smoldering pile if he doesnt act now! :)


Retreat was the safest option here and the team decide to rally in a nearby room and hope to ambush the threat in there.Bravo sustained a painful burn from a laser beam just before he could round the corner.


The team quickly regroup and quietly wait for the enemy.The atmosphere is tense now,and the battle is on!


Alpha and Delta quickly mark their targets.


Alpha fires a cruel barrage into the face of his target sending it screaming in pain to the floor.Deltas' rounds hit his target in the temple area.The lone grey looks as though its trying to escape but is hopelessly penned in.


Alpha and Delta quickly eliminate their targets.The Grey cant bear to watch this vicious onslaught of his comrades and begins to panic.


The grey now comes under heavy fire and dies from severe neck injuries,as you can see.


All targets successfully eliminated.This lesson teaches us that ambushes are our best friend when severely outnumbered,especially in a small room where you can create a bottleneck or 'killing zone'.


The squad regroup and carry on with the mission at hand.Strength in numbers is now their main priority and they decide to move as a group and not split up.


Bravo rounds a corner and quickly sees his next potential target,and prepares to open fire.Bravo has adequate stealth skills and it certainly helped him in gaining the initiative here :)


The poor Grey crippled under the precision fire.I think he actually released his bowels on

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The Cultists were at it again this time in Lagos. So my put on their metal tipped boots and got ready to evict some Cultist Squatters.


A little map of my latest Cultist encounter


Two team member got stuck in the inital deployment behind some furniture?!?!? And had to CRAWL out from under the furniture while the remaining team member secured the entrance to the bunker....


As soon as a cultist reared it's head I thought 'Screw this! This cultist is a bulletriddled corpse" so I send them out to confront the cultist who had brought some friends along.Some action from that cultist encounter


As the picture shows they came at the team in 'waves' like a bunch braindead fanatics that my automatic weapons made short work off.


My two snipers made short work of the stragglers down at the pipes. Mission over!!!

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My two snipers made short work of the stragglers down at the pipes. Mission over!!!

Gringo, I'm suprised your troops are standing whilst targetting the incoming Cultists.


Usually I pace units forward and automatically given them crouch/watch order. With well positioned and defended parts of the map, you can keep your accuracy high and deal much faster damage to incoming targets, and get almost instant kills without wasting too much ammo.


I've not seen some of those maps yet. Most my fights have been around Europe and North America.

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Gringo, I'm suprised your troops are standing whilst targetting the incoming Cultists.


Usually I pace units forward and automatically given them crouch/watch order. With well positioned and defended parts of the map, you can keep your accuracy high and deal much faster damage to incoming targets, and get almost instant kills without wasting too much ammo.



They are standing due to mobility....Have you seen Triple X 2 when Darius and the CIA agent storm through Deckers troops on the way to save the president they use a technique which embodies speed, aggression and massive firepower to overwhelm a larger number of enemies? The picture shows my implementation of that technique in this game.


And another thing is that the speed of the troopers while standing is almost as fast as a RPG grenade....'Incoming RPG! SCATTER!'


I hope it helps, Markavian. Do check out the new tactics section here too...

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I agree with CG about the extra mobility that is provided by standing/running.


However,I personally only EVER run or stand if there are other troopers nearby covering my intended path,say if I need to cover elsewhere.Standing is also recommended if you expect to be at point-blank range with the enemy,like in a room.Imagine the SAS quickly storming multiple rooms in seconds!.

Going prone on the other hand is recommended when you expect to be attacked en masse like against Wargots or Cultists.Digging yourself in gives you added protection against their attacks,minus the Rocket attacks of course.


I have perfect anti armour tecniques though now,and I think im gonna be keeping that one quiet :phew:


Say,what do you think to the new site layout?,I personally preferred the old one.

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Nothing elaborate about this shot I appreciate that,but it is just to show my recently formed 4th squad,my Psionics Division,who will hopefully be used on alien capture missions,and I MAY even use them to operate under the cover of darkness on any high risk missions,like my 3rd Commando squad are doing.

I now name all my units by profession,and not by name,as that helps me to keep track of my rather large troop pool now,in case of casualties.The shot was taken at the mission end,with a few minor wounds.

This unit is new and still under development.




It contains:


1 Psionics Commander

2 Psionic Weapons support

1 Psionic Poisons Administrator

1 Psionic capturing specialist

1 Psionics medical specialist


They will probably have a lot of commando training too,and rely on speed,stealth,and surprise.The unit will also have some of the most advanced weaponry known...hopefully :phew:

The idea of them becoming like Assassins really interests me too.

It is my only squad that features Psionics,the other squads operate in more dangerous battle zones,like my heavy mechanized division (HMD),recently fitted with 2 defender drones and 4 Cyborg Troopers.

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The date is about May 15th in my game Preda,ive just set up my hyper energy labs and doing some research into that,sonic technology too.The Cultists still hold much of Africa and the US,but I made a few incursions into the US last night,after much build up.I have been delaying much of my attacks on the Cultists so I can field better tech in the missions.I own the whole of Europe now and some of the East.


Not as far as you yet no doubt,but I play my game very methodically,slowly some might say.

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Again nothing too dramatic here,just a couple of new shots from my PSI Div.


First shot shows my Neuro Specialist (posh eh? :phew:) trying to disable a Brainman,but narrowly missed.


This one is just a little mugshot of the team.


Again,this fourth squad of mine is brand new and trying to earn some XP by doing a few isolated Mutant missions.I try and keep some of the Mutant provinces active as long as I can,as its an easy way to earn that XP.Their weapons and equipment will no doubt change as they start levelling up too.

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Appearently I can still post images at my imagehosting service :phew: so I will do so.


The first one is called Morel Trouble

And yes! It was a stupid plan Mag got hit by friendly fire from Ram.


This next one I call Brain for the Man

Ram is 'operating' on a Brainman with a supped up SPAS 15


And now for a series of shots that I call: Cyborg Trap


FUBAR took up a position near the ladder and took out three Cyborg with his trusty SPAS 15. Mag and Ram moved in to provide additional firepower.


Cyborg Trap


Mag and Ram ridddling a Cyborg with 7.62 mm holes.


Cyborg Trap 2


A Cyborg who got trapped on the ladder. :)


Cyborg Trap 3


Going down!


Cyborg Trap 4


Fire for effect!


Cyborg Trap 5


Another Cyborg on the way down, but....


Cyborg Trap 6


Yes he got stuck on the ladder too. :D

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A few more to tickle the taste buds :)

Just something to pass the time on a bit anyhow.


These shots are not intended for strategic purposes,instead just something to quench my ego :phew:


First we have my 1st squad,the Anti Mutant Task Force (AMTF) in action,surrounding a building.Marine B and the Combat Medic are currently resting after some minor wounds were sustained earlier tonight.The Incinerator unit is designed to provide incendiary support for the team.He carries a bag load of Phosphorous rounds and a belt full of incendiary grenades.


Next the recon unit climbs the ladder to try and get a good view through the upper floor windows.


She dashes for the nearest piece of cover as she unexpectadly runs into a Moralman.The Moralman then threw a fire grenade at point blank range at my scout.She immediately dashed for the opposite ladder and made a hasty retreat and joined her squad again below.The recon mission was a disaster this time round.This was a great action shot I thought.


Next scene shows my 3rd squad which consists of 4 Commandos modelled around my favourites the SAS.The team has just been upgraded to 6 members,which will have a sniper and demolitions specialist.


Next is a simple maneuver drill,running for cover while being covered.


Charlie now in position.


Bravo now joins his team mate.


Both units in position.


Delta attempts to scan the distance for movement.


A Muckstar is detected,and Alpha and Charlie deal with it promptly.


Alpha and Charlie secure the nearby building.


Another Muckstar is spotted,and my man dispatches it cleanly.


Charlie and Bravo secure the main entrance.


The team annihilate a flatster with fierce automatic gunfire.


Here we have my Commandos out on duty assaulting a derelict UFO next.The team are on patrol searching for targets here.


Target is aqquired and Alpha and Bravo are nominated to finish it off.


The squad gain entrance to the UFO,and this is where I have currently saved their progress.



More will follow...if I dont collapse from insomnia first :D

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Just a couple more shots to glorify the screenshots section :phew:


Carrying on from my Commando mission last time round,this one shows the guys preparing for the final extraction of the Psionic prisoner.The textures on the walls looked amazing too.


This is the extraction in progress,true SAS style! :D

These guys can really move now!


Now I dont want anyone to tell me anything about the latter stages of this game,or the arrival of these 'Starghosts' ive been hearing about lately,but I imagine the game will probably culminate with some rather interesting missions.So,I decided to form my 5th and final squad,the X-Marine Division :)

These guys will be packing state of the art weaponry and equipment,and will be assigned to confronting this new enemy,and to do battle against the Reticulans too.

As space battles will probably be a feature towards the end of the game they will also be fighting up there too.So,I hope to bring you some great shots of these guys in the near future.I am very excited about this new squad I have just envisioned.

I actually took some inspiration from Games Workshops' 'Space Marines' if any of you are familiar with these guys.

Here is a little shot of them preparing for their first mission.And as they have only just been formed some of their equipment is pretty standard,like the Cyborgs',who isnt able to operate rocket equipment yet.

I am also thinking of MAYBE,and I mean MAYBE adding a defender drone to the squad,and replacing the heavy weapons guy,so that it can provide the squad with some armoured cover as they advance,bit like the Space Marines' Rhinos (APC),remember them? :) ...although the Rhino was FAR bigger!,you get the idea though I think.

An APC would be a great idea for any future expansions of this series.

The squad currently contains:


1 XMD Commander

1 XMD Heavy Weapons Specialist (may be replaced with a Defender Drone)

2 XMD Marines

1 Cyborg Demolitions Specialist

1 Recon unit (may be trained as a Sniper)

1 Combat Medic (infantry support if needed)



Tell me what you think of my ideas so far :)






Just a couple more shots to glorify the screenshots section :)


Carrying on from my Commando mission last time round,this one shows the guys preparing for the final extraction of the Psionic prisoner.The textures on the walls looked amazing too.


This is the extraction in progress,true SAS style! :)

These guys can really move now!


Now I dont want anyone to tell me anything about the latter stages of this game,or the arrival of these 'Starghosts' ive been hearing about lately,but I imagine the game will probably culminate with some rather interesting missions.So,I decided to form my 5th and final squad,the X-Marine Division :)

These guys will be packing state of the art weaponry and equipment,and will be assigned to confronting this new enemy,and to do battle against the Reticulans too.

As space battles will probably be a feature towards the end of the game they will also be fighting up there too.So,I hope to bring you some great shots of these guys in the near future.I am very excited about this new squad I have just envisioned.

I actually took some inspiration from Games Workshops' 'Space Marines' if any of you are familiar with these guys.

Here is a little shot of them preparing for their first mission.And as they have only just been formed some of their equipment is pretty standard,like the Cyborgs',who isnt able to operate rocket equipment yet.

I am also thinking of MAYBE,and I mean MAYBE adding a defender drone to the squad,and replacing the heavy weapons guy,so that it can provide the squad with some armoured cover as they advance,bit like the Space Marines' Rhinos (APC),remember them? :) ...although the Rhino was FAR bigger!,you get the idea though I think.

An APC would be a great idea for any future expansions of this series.

The squad currently contains:


1 XMD Commander (will probably have some high powered close combat weapon)

1 XMD Heavy Weapons Specialist (may be replaced with a Defender Drone)

2 XMD Marines

1 Cyborg Demolitions Specialist

1 Recon unit (may be trained as a Sniper)

1 Combat Medic (infantry support if needed)



Tell me what you think of my ideas so far :)

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Yet more screenshots :)



I finally got access to the new Plasma Cannon.Could be a decent weapon,and it might not too.Let me know what some of you think to this powerful (on paper) Reticulan weapon.This picture is soley for boosting my ego though :) ,as my AMTF is coming along pretty nicely now.Thats Anti Mutant Task Force for the curious :phew:


I would also like to show off my Incinerator Unit doing his duty too.Those aliens really dont like fire :D


And...the famous Mugshot of course hehe.


I also managed to get hold of my first batch of mines tonight too,and let me just say I am VERY pleased with them,and they are an EXCELLENT tool against the Wargots,as you will see in the next images.Here the Engineer is laying one.

As this squads nominated man for the job is currently training to be an Engineer I had to borrow the AMTF Incinerator Unit for the job,as he is the only one with the relevant Tech training.


This Wargot had a nasty surprise coming his way as my Engineer laid a small screen of mines earlier,while the main force dug in not too far behind.

Excellent fire effects.


His body began to blister and melt as the incendiary material got to work.The pathetic creature next to it didnt even manage to whimper in pain,its death was that fast.


Now the main force pummel him with High Explosive Rounds and a High Explosive Rocket!


The intense heat was too much for this Wargot and he begins to flee in terror.


Ladies and Gentlemen,this is what carefully laid mines can do for your team.And I didnt suffer even a minor scratch in this mission.So the conclusion to todays' lesson is?...mines save lives! :)

Anyone like melted cheese on toast?well why not try melted Wargots on toast :)


Their first CLEAR victory against the Wargots,a sign of good things to come! :)


I think the planned Defender Drone is a DEFINITE addition to this squad now.Can they lay mines at all? :)

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errr, no, they can't :phew:


I never really used mines, anyway. I never really used other explosives than rockets, actually. Also, neither did I use Heavy armour, group cloaks or Warp resonators. When the patch comes out, I'm going to take a wee more time with the game, like you.

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Shame about the drones Preda,it would have been useful if they could have laid mines,and indeed disarm them,as I can actually visualize drones doing this type of work also.

I am eagerly awaiting the patch too,but I have to be honest here the game has been quite lenient with me,I have only encountered the odd crash.

Strange that.

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Evening chaps.


Just 3 little morsels for you to savour.


This is my PSI DIV encountering a Moralman.One member opened fire with a laser rifle,and it burnt right through it.What an excellent mid-flight shot of a laser beam.


Next,we have my AMTF again.They encountered their first target a Grey in a building (wish more battles were actually in buildings),and the Incinerator Unit decided to try and flush him out by firing an Incend.round into the building.

Did it work?keep watching...


And the end result.


Poor bugger,what an awful death.


I really feel sorry for Greys :phew:

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Yes I'm back! With a little something I call:


Ram is about to kick some rear


And he did with his M60 he mopped the floor with those Wargots with some assistence from Mag coming in from the other end of the hallway.


It must be said that I use the rebalance weapon mod. Which boosts the MG cyclic rate to 33 rounds a burst. :):D:)


Now we can talk about suppressive fire even if you can't his anything due to the recoil or something. :phew:

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