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Base and Campaign Strategies

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Good evening once again avid bug hunters!


I am really anxious to start a topic on my base and campaign strategies,and would really like to share ideas with some of you,however,I do NOT want to spoil the game for those that have not got this far,or if they are unable to devise their own strategies and would like to figure them out themselves,like me really. :(


Anyhow,as it stands I have been maintaining 4 bases for a few nights now,and had been desperate to capture a fifth,that is until just now,as I have successfully captured Tehran.This was a great relief for me as there was now doubt that this base would supply me with a hoard of weapons and ammo (look at the Middle East today,weapons seemed a natural choice for them),effectively this would release some of the pressure in Europe,who could then divert their attention more to research of all kinds.


Well,the Cultists have had a foothold on the Iberian penninsula for a couple of days now,and I am pretty worried about committing a war with them just yet,I simply lack the technology for it.My main war has been raging with the Cyborgs,who still stubbornly cling onto their resources...they will fall in time. :(


The ultimate point of this post is to tell you (if interested) how I have set my bases up and what my long term goals are,and if any of you like these ideas,and of course to share ideas too.


The first base I held was Stuttgart,this is the first for all of us,and I decided straight away that their knowledge and skill was with advanced weapons and producing lots of them (I got my ideas from their role in WWII),so Germany APPEARS stable so far.My second base I captured was Paris,and it dawned on me that they have never REALLY been much of a fighting force,so advanced medical research and supply was their part in this war,and again,it SEEMS fine,except for the growing threat in Iberia from the Cultists,so would a Barracks be an important building for Paris?,as it would stem any advance into Europe?,maybe France should become more militant?.My 3rd base was Britain,and from the beginning I have been undecided as to where their role should be as they only have 3 slots :( ,and as I am British I would have loved for them to have a large role in defense and space research,this would seem a natural choice for me due to their proud RAF history.As it stands Britain is at loose ends somewhat,so I have made them provide some small arms support for Europe,and am building a Barracks,naturally.My fourth capture was Moscow,and this was great news as they have 5 slots,and again their fate was made up for them,their job would be space flight research and providing some weapons and ammo.But the best news so far was the capture of Tehran tonight!,as they are set up for major weapons and ammo supply.


This is the current state of my game.


My future plans are to invade deeper into the Middle East and also try and Get into N.Africa,as this will rocket my weapons and ammo supplies.The further East I go its inevitable I will be in the Far East,has anyone been that far yet?no doubt some of you have already FINISHED the bloody game! :( .China would probably also make more weapons and ammo.If its possible to go into Japan then they will DEFINITELY have a major role in advanced weapons,spaceflight the lot!,the brainy sods.Going South,into Australia?,they will provide much needed weapons supplies too,and West into mainland Africa,for even MORE weapons! :(


My biggest goal is the USA though,and as it stands a couple of states have fallen to the Cultist infiltration,and in the next couple of days im gonna make a brave move into New York with my rather undeveloped 3 squads,until I hold the state,then hopefully make the USA into what it is today,a major superpower,both in research and weapons supply.I wanted Britain to have this role,but why give them only THREE slots?! :)


If I go into South America at this point,I reckon they will provide weapons and ammo (Castro and Guevara were both nutters).


This has been a rather drawn out post forgive me,but ive been eager to share all this with some of you.


I will now give you a quick rundown of my bases,and I want you to tell me what you think and if at all they will be ultimately as efficient as they can be so far,and what their future roles COULD be.


Stuttgart - 1 basic weapons factory

1 ordnance factory

1 basic weapons lab

1 energy weapons lab

1 college


Paris - 1 med lab

2 med factories

1 college


London - 1 barracks

1 basic weapons factory

1 ordnance factory


Moscow - 1 basic weapons factory

1 ordnance factory

1 school

1 college

1 jet prop lab


Tehran - 3 basic weapons factories

1 ordnance factory



So,does this ratio sound effective enough?,or have some of you diverted attention elsewhere and for good reason.


I can't believe I went into all that!,testament to how f#####g addictive this damn game is!


Look forward to hearing from some of you fellow armchair generals! :(




PS:Think I will forfeit bed again tonight,that will be nearly 30 hrs without a wink! :)

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I cant believe I have spent hours now experimenting with different base designs on bloody paper!,thing is,should we set up permanent bases or change them around to suit the situation?,for example,as I mentioned the Cultists hold Iberia,and this seems the only way into that part of Europe,so naturally France will need strengthening with a barracks?,as it only has medical equipment in there now.Same with Tehran,there is Cult activity near them too,and they have been set up just to deal with weapons and ammo supply.I am thinking of including another JPL in Russia as im still days away from laputa range,and this alien craft is apparently on its way in 13 days!


I AM on the right track though I hope,looking at how countries are today,and no doubt in a real alien invasion scenario survivors would surely hold onto their roots and how their nations were prior to the event.


I mean,Russia has always been well known for its space race with America,and of course the arms race during the cold war.Germany has been well known for its high quality weapons,weird thing is though,I thought Berlin was the capital and not stuttgart. :(


What CAN I do with my own bloody country britain?! :( ,barracks fine,but what else?!,a shitty factory and a little ammo dump?!,I wanted a real military presence with the Brits.I really think Britain could have done with 4 slots at least!.Or,does it go on land size?,then in that case it would be pretty accurate as we are tiny compared to Russia and USA.*sigh*,still,we kick some serious arse when it comes to war though! :(



Dont get me wrong my game is fine,its just that the pressure is ON in this game,and there are far more threats and things to worry about now than in UFOAM. :(


I look forward to some of your ideas in the morning,if any of you are bothered that is.


Im bleedin addicted! :)

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I suspect that the map would have looked too crowded if they had divided Britain up into more than three provinces.


I'm trying to avoid getting into a fight with the human, psionic and cyborg factions. Since the objective is to create a Commonwealth of Earth, I think I should try a cooperative approach with those three factions. Trouble is that there are some provinces that just don't want to join up, so I'm left hoping that the cultists take them so I can go in with all guns blazing.

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Some people just wont listen,so war is neccessary in my books :( hehe.


By taking their land by force and possibly compensating them with some of your resources,I reckon this is also a good tactic.Be firm but fair in the long run,if they keep on moaning,hit em harder next time,til they finally capitulate.


Those Cyborgs I hate,yet I already have a planned heavy Cyborg Division in the process,for guess what?,to be used against their own kind! :(



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On gaining territory from 'friendly' factions:


If they don't need your help, but you don't want to conquer them, just wait - keep retrying periodically until they have a 'help us' mission. Apparently, you can retry immediately, which probably needs to be fixed. I make myself wait a day or two, or do a couple other missions between, etc.


You can also guarantee getting it in a single mission by accepting to help, then aborting the mission - they lose the territory, then you can conquer it from whoever won the mission (cultists, mutants, reticulans). But, I think this is an exploit; you should either lose pretty significant faction for losing the mission, they should have a chance of still keeping their territory, or both.


I haven't felt the need to attack any provinces, because I'd rather have my faction standing be as high as possible - access to better recruits, and if you do run low on a resource, you'll get a LOT from them in the process of resetting your standing to neutral. I got ~8000 low-tech from humans, and ~4000 hi-tech from Cyborgs, and this was somewhere in the middle range of positive (humans were offering 1 level 5 and several level 4 recruits; cyborgs were offering level 4 recruits). Given that I had < 1000 of each previously, that's a pretty good deal compared to conquering their territories by force.


But hey, this is why it's called a strategy game - either approach, or somewhere in between - is viable.

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I think im just one of those megalomanics that likes to use force when necessary on ignorant and stubborn people.Those Cyborgs are gonna reel under my impending victory before long. :(


I DO however have pretty good relations with the Psionics,as they appeal to me deep down.Did they inbreed with the old Sectiods?,is this how they came to be?,or was it that they were human survivors who had been exposed to the Biomass for so long which in turn altered their genes dramatically?,in either case I think they are pretty erm...sexy. :(

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