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Can the US and UK win in Iraq?

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Houston, we have a problem.


All photos from Abu Ghraib released. I used to agree that it was really stretching it to call it "torture."

I am now convinced. Large bleeding wounds and ugly looking burns aren't the results of "fraternity hazing."


It occurs to me that there are a lot of people in the occupation forces that are less interested in winning the hearts and minds of the poor widdle Iwaqis than they are in having the opportunity to hurt people for kicks without the possibility of retribution.


Lyndie England and her cronies should be brutally executed for endangering the lives of US troops.

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Now an Australian TV station has broadcast more Abu Graib abuse pictures. The BBC is showing some of the images here. WARNING: you may find some of the images disturbing.


The US government has told off SBS TV for broadcasting the images because they think it will make the Iraqis even more angry with the occupation troops. In other words, George Bush expects the news services to cover up evidence of Iraqis being tortured by American soldiers. And if, like Al Jazeera, they don't toe the American line, they run the risk of a missile strike.


The thought that I find most disturbing of all is that this evidence has emerged because of the stupidity of the soldiers involved. How many 'wholesome' American and British soldiers are intelligent enough to make sure that there are no cameras around when they torture prisoners?

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My bet is, no matter how twisted the guards get, there's always one willing to hide a camera to expose the others.


On the other hand, that other recent video where the camera man encouraged the troops... Who knows what kind of rational led to that?


Bush can stop complaining and fix the problem in his own ranks. The media is not the side at fault here.


I doubt he'd bomb SBS anyway, as they're a lot more well known then whatever network it was he bombed in Iraq.


Though I'm starting to think there's nothing the man can't get away with.

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A new force has been unleashed against terrorism!


Also, there's a new film out, but unlike the fiction media listed above (and like all the non-fiction media around these days), it doesn't speak in the favour of the US.


Speaking of which, the UN has stated that the US must close down the Guantanamo detention center. Of course, they haven't stated any consequences, so this doesn't actually mean anything. Just sayin', is all.

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Fortunatly, Bush was talked out of his insane plan to attack Al Jazeera. But I wouldn't like to bet against him liberating the Australians from a repressively anti-Bush news service :cool:


Knowing Bush, he would get confused and bomb Austria instead...


Lyndie England and her cronies should be brutally executed for endangering the lives of US troops.

Agreed. One wonders how many coalition soldiers have died because of what happened at Abu Graib.

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You're right, I've just checked Wikipedia. The Americans bombed them in Baghdad in 2003 and Kabul in 2001 despite the location of both offices being known to the Americans. And one of their reporters has been held at Guantanamo Bay without charge since the invasion of Afghanistan.


Oh, and Blair has threatened to jail any newspaper editors who print the memo that says Bush had to be talked out of bombing Al Jazeera yet again. I forgive Boris Johnson for being a Tory because he said that he would publish it if he got his hands on it.


There was a time when I would have been morally outraged by the behaviour of Bush & Blair, but I no longer expect any better.


*Goes back to reading 1984*

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Oh, and Blair has threatened to jail any newspaper editors who print the memo that says Bush had to be talked out of bombing Al Jazeera yet again. I forgive Boris Johnson for being a Tory because he said that he would publish it if he got his hands on it.


Source please.

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