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Alien Unit placement


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How often are alinens placed inside as compaired to outside of a UFO




Would you say that you almost allwase have an alien inside this ship?

this includes dead ones.


I'm trying to figure out placemnet probabilities. and based on what I have been told about the placement data formats, this craft would have a low probablity of having units inside.

My experiance is the oposite... How about everyone else?



-Blade FireLight

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Having had several occasions where I needed to use XComutil's vis option on the first round, I can say that I've had a variety of results with the medium scout.


On average I'd say, about three to four, and at other times, none. On one occasion, I had up to six ethereals, not counting the one I mind controlled. Still, more often than not, yeah, aliens were generated inside it.


For undamaged large scouts, I'm not sure about the ambulatory aliens, but I know that there's one alien that almost always gets placed in the bridge and doesn't move about until you walk up the left passage (your soldier's immediate left as they enter the ship), or if you walk through the right door (where it immediately shoots at you). The same goes for the alien in the bridge of undamaged abductors. It stays in one spot and watches the only doorway into the room and will get you with reaction fire almost every time if you walk through the door.



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In all of my experience with medium scouts, I have never lost a guy when walking in the door from reaction fire. I always walk my soldiers into the tile right behind the door. I don't think the aliens can react when you just walk in one square... maybe they can if you walk in more than one.


But yes, I have had missions start where the aliens began in the UFO. I know that because sometimes the UFO is right next to the skyranger on turn 1, and the alien is already there.

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