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Results here for MSLU:


Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95, 98, and Me Systems


And here's the Microsoft Page



Funny, the game isn't even out yet and we still try to provide solutions


Answering your question: officially I would guess it's a no, but other games that haven't officially supported some systems worked with some tweakin. Maybe with the above it will be enough for it to work

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You use WinME? you're very brave :)



Don't start... :P I would still be using 98SE, but my parents gave my wife a pc with ME on it & I couldn't get my 98SE PC to see it on the network, so I "upgraded" mine to ME as well...



Kret, as I posted on that other thread, I'm not entirely sure where to put the 2 MS files...

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Unfortunately I don't have any system where to try and do it myself. You're a bit on your own here.


You might need to register the files after copying them. The best option would be to copy them either to the windows folder or the system folder and then registering them. Now if I could remember how to register files in win9x systems

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