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Alien Base assault


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In TFTD it is common to have units spreadd all over an alien base at the start of combat.


Has any one ever had that hapen in UFO?

(has any unit started any place other then the initial starting 'green floor' or directly below it)


From what I am looking at in the data files it is posible. I personaly have never had it happn.


-Blade FireLight

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Well, in UFO, if one of your bases get attacked, but you don't have any hangars in it (in those rare cases where you have a new base that gets wrongfully targetted), excess aliens who cannot be generated in the lift room will be generated in your soldier start locations.


I suspect this might be happening in reverse in alien bases and the TFTD colonies. You might just be bringing in more units than there are intended start locations for X-Com units.


By the way, which files store the information on unit start locations and item generation points (skyranger equipment pile, elerium in power units, etc)? After looking at the map files, I'm pretty sure none of the 4 bytes for every tile entry store the item or unit start locations.



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I'm looking for personal experiance with this hapening..


the start locations are in the rmp files. this is also the AI control file. Knowing to mutch about this file can make the game to easy. So I prefer not to give to mutch away. Unless your serious about creating somthing.


Any one Else seen this issue? I expect it will only hapen when using a Avanger as their are 22 valid entery points in on a Alien base


-Blade FireLight

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Having played the game for a while, I'm trying to make head or tails of the chaotic movement methods of my enemies. Besides, been spending the last few days looking at some of the datafiles. Still trying to figure out the pixel widths for the intercept window buttons.


Back to the topic: Come to think of it, I did experience it once when using XComutil's enhanced Avenger and packed it in with soldiers and tanks. The few soldiers that could not get created in the lift module were generated in some of the alien start locations.



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