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Large Scout


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I've started making some HL2 maps lately, and thought I'd share the first UFO:EU-related one with you all.


Here's a screenshot (with the original graphic included as reference):




As you can see, there's no doors or objects as of yet. They won't arrive until I can learn some XSI modelling :D

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It looks quite nice, although the one thing that concerns me the most is that all the walls in your rendering don't have any thickness to them.


I know, I know, work in progress. Just couldn't noticing that they looked paper thin. It's something that's always bugged me about '3d' games of yore.


The skirting along the walls may want to be raised. They look knee height from the original screenshot. As it is, it looks like you'd have to kneel or crawl to move about the ship.



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Yeah, the units in UFO took up quite a lot of width as they always walked liked very skinnny body-builders (arms never down by their sides). A normal Half Life 2 proportioned character will make that UFO look massive - you'd be able to get about 3 in one doorway.


The map's shaping up nicely, but it might be time for some artistic license :D

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Indeed. Put a scout at either end of the map with the flag in, maybe have a destructable wall somewhere on the scout so that it's not too easy to defend it's few doors and litter a few dead aliens around the place, then you can have MiB's versus X-COM :D
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It looks quite nice, although the one thing that concerns me the most is that all the walls in your rendering don't have any thickness to them.

The walls do actually have thickness to them (8 inches to be precise), it's just that 3D games only render 1 side of a face, and because the walls are facing away from you, you can't see the back of them :)


A normal Half Life 2 proportioned character will make that UFO look massive - you'd be able to get about 3 in one doorway.

You're very close actually. 2 would fit in a doorway, and a 3rd would only be squeezed out by 5 inches.


The map's shaping up nicely, but it might be time for some artistic license :D

I like UFO:EU too much for creative license. I want to be able to run around in the original game from a first-person perspective :D My only license has been with the lights on the ceiling. Seeing as you never see the ceiling in XCOM games, I was able to make it look however I want.

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I'd like to try crafting a Battleship map for Quake 2... I just don't know how to deal with the hoverlifts. I was thinking of a giant water collumn or a series of teleport pads... anyone have any ideas?

My solution in HL2 was to have 2 teleporters (roof and cieling) that when the player looks up and presses 'use' they teleport a floor above, and if they look down and 'use', they teleport down a floor. I'm sure a water column would do the same trick if the engine allows it.

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