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Speedrunning UFO


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Idea taken from: https://speeddemosarchive.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?...;num=1127187265


Simple question how fast can a human beeing beat UFO?


Some rules:

-Only the actual playing time counts.

E.g. if you play for 5 minues and save. Then play another 10 minutes, load your save at 5 minutes and continue from there your clock gets reset to 5 minutes again.

-You must use an unmodified version of the game

-Glitches of any kind may be used



As discribed in the link i made a small test run, which took me 3:53 to get to cydonia. (I havent been able to finish cydonia yet, cause of my soldiers lousy spy strength :D )


Based on this run i have made an improved route, which requires you to only play 3 missions.


-build a 2nd base with one quarter and one hanger

-build another quarter at your starting base as well as an alien containment

-buy a few stun rods

-stock up on scientists

-research laser weapons up to rifle

-shoot down a ufo (exept for the small scout)

-run the mission, until you get an intact ufo

-research all the ufo parts

-manufacture a 2nd engine

-start building an avenger

-catch a battleship, while landed (I got really lucky on this one during my run, cause i was patroling for alien bases, when a snake man battleship appeared right next to my skyranger during month 2 ;) )

-capture a commander,leader and another alien of any kind

-research the rest

-head for cydonia and try to win :mad:



some notes:

Because building the avenger usually takes longer than researching the cydonia part of the tech tree there might be enough time to research the blaster launcher, allowing to complete cydonia part 2 in only 3 rounds (if you get a lucky layout)


-If you really want to try this some suggestions on how not to get mad:

--When starting a new game save and check if your soldiers psy strength is high enough, if it isnt start over or you wont be able to complete cydonia.

--sell your interceptores ( it saves you 1.200.000$ per month)

--catching the terror ship during the first month might be worth a try, to retain funds

--make shure you have always something to research

--transfer scis/engis to svae money

--use the manufacture glitch to save money

--for the mission use xcomutil to reveal the layout and decide wether you want to roll the dice again or not

--Do not hesitate to reload and save often (I reloaded about 200 times during my test run)


I would really appreciate if a few of you would also try to complete ufo as fast as possible, so i can judge if my time is good. (please make shure that you count a seperate time for reaching cydonia :D )

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Not really sure what the point of the second base is.


I can tell you that playing on Superhuman mode makes for a faster game.


You want to ignore as many missions and UFO's as possible, as you want as much game time to pass as possible in as short amount of real time as possible.


As far as research and equipment goes, that means you only need to get a battleship with at least two engines intact.


Balancing the score is where it gets tricky. It takes the best part of a month to build an avenger, even after you research the thing.

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Not really sure what the point of the second base is.


I can tell you that playing on Superhuman mode makes for a faster game.


You want to ignore as many missions and UFO's as possible, as you want as much game time to pass as possible in as short amount of real time as possible.


As far as research and equipment goes, that means you only need to get a battleship with at least two engines intact.


Balancing the score is where it gets tricky. It takes the best part of a month to build an avenger, even after you research the thing.


The second base is for engi/scis transfer at the end of a month, to save sallery as well as for the infinite fuel bug, which i used to scan for alien bases with my scyranger.


During my test run i did only 4 mission (including cydoni) but i will cut it down to 3 on the next run.


Getting the battleship might cut the missions down to two, but with my method of intercepting a scout during the first month i can research alloys/engine/navigation/construction/firestorm/ligthning/avenger right away.


Score balancing was really tricky. I reloaded april several times, until i got a score higher than -500.


p.s. I even managed to finish cydonia part1 with my test crew :D


p.p.s A nother thing i am thinking about is building a second workshop, just because 13 engis take quite a while to finish the avenger. This might speed things up abit.

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