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I played Aftershock yesterday...


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Read: Drinking, and stumbling around, happening upon ALTAR, breaking in, playing games drunkenly (he was actually playing Afterbirth Pinball, but thought it was Aftershock), getting caught and tossed in jail but thinking they were putting him up in their nice little conference room until he could get just a little (yawn) sleep...


Hope you're having fun!

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Hm,have to say I am a bit jealous of the guys who did go to play. Although I am studying in Prague, that precise day I had to be on school to register for class - BAH! Have to make som bitmaps of my teachers and add them to an expansion-pack for Aftershock to be satisfied. Just waiting for the newsletter now though, but something is wrong - so I had to register all over again - hope I did not miss it :D When will the winners be announced on the web-page?


Ahoj to you, and welcome to Prague! Although I can not show you Altar - perhaps some lapdance, cheap food and drink will make you happy? :D


Will perhaps order a czech-version just to learn the language even more

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You should have had the newsletter by now, though if you haven't it will be put up on the site tomorrow anyway.


All three winners have been notified by email, so if you haven't received an email from me, then you haven't won unfortunately.

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