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Apocalypse on DosBox


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I try with VMDS but don't work the game only show the opening video and later stop, I intalled in the end the game in DosBox but the game crushed if I try to use the options or try to user somethig of my base. maybe I need try in virtual pc with Win 98 XP


and my sound card if part of the main board ( I'm saving to buy a new one)

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This is what I've done, and it works perfectly for me, sound and mouse working normal, hope it works for you :D

STEP 1 ( What is needed)

the version of the link i gave or from the CD


xcom3crk.zip, mouse2kv.zip and vdmsound

(see posts below for links)


(alien dimension maps arn't needed for the version of the link. )




now install Xcom3.exe


unzip the xcom3crk.zip in your Apoc folder

run the crack ( you wont see what is written in the dos box)


now unzip the mouse2kv.zip in the apoc folder

( all files must be unzipped in APOC folder )




in your apoc folder. right click, go to New and choose Text Document

now u have created Text Document .txt in your APOC folder

open the text document and write in it :


@echo off


mouse2kv 640 480 8 8 XCOMAPOC.exe SKIP


(Save and exit)

rename your text document to Apoc.txt

now rename again but only change the " .txt " to " .bat " ( it will ask you to change, click YES)


Now your Apoc.txt became Apoc.bat




Create a shortcut to your Apoc.bat

after creating you have : Shortcut to Apoc.bat


Right click on the shortcut created and choose Properties.

(In the properties you should have these options : General, Shortcut, Options, Font , Layout, Colors, Compatibility )


4.2) Go to Options

4.3 ) Look for Display Options

4.4 ) In the Display option we have 2 choices :

- Window

-Full Screen


4.5)Choose Full Screen



Step 5 :


Install VDMSOUND ( if u have it installed already SKIP STEP 5 )


after instalation restart your PC




STEP 6: (Sound Setup)


Run Setup.exe choose SoundBlaster port:220 IRQ:7 DMA:1 . Save and exit.( These settings are for VDMSOUND)


Good Luck

The files required can be found in this topic in XComUFO. ;)

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thanks Azrael.. but don't work T.T BUAAAAH T.T I can't Play with my Original X-Com Apocalypse TT.


I don't know how a VERY OLD GAME like the matematic bunny can RUN perfecly on this computer (game from year 95 and for ms-dos) AND my X-Com don't WORK!! maybe because is the Spanish version of the game??? TT

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And thats a no go Azrael, same problem i always get with sound enabled, the computer slows down to a crawl (actually, the game does)


AND i got absolutely no sound


i got sound to work by not using VDMS


dit: however, now i got the problem that the game is still slowed to a crawl, and i can't figure out why - i think i got sound to work right, but it is highly annoying to have sound but have the game be slowed to a crawl

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  • 2 weeks later...

After some work it nearly works...


but... the game doesn't start. after launching setup.exe, i've configured all. Sound is nearly OK - must work on it, nearly good.


Then i started xcomapoc.exe - he plays the intro (cycling the CPU until 9000 it works good) but than... after the intro i have the prompt:




i've tryed a lot of things, but nothing! :D


i've read nearly all posts here in the support-section, i've found a lot of information that helps (improving the dosbox, getting a better sound and better performance), but i can't find someone who could help me with my problem: x-com apocalypse don't start after running the intro.


plz help





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  • 9 months later...

Apparently, but it'd be slow, so there's not much point in trying.


So you're saying that you go to run the game, and get dumped straight back out to the c:> prompt?


What sort of computer / operating system are you using?

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