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Tired of UK fuel prices?


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BB how enviromentally friendly of you. I live no where near my job so HAVE to drive, the fuel blockades are doign my head in, as is panic buying. What good is incnvienencing EVERYONE?! do those people doing this think about who it is exactally they are inconvienencing???






...i doubt it. :D grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Well, the plutonium arrived this morning. It was sitting on my doorstep next to my milk bottles. Unfortunatly the milk sort of mutated and it keeps eating people like in The Blob :D As for the antimatter, there is now a great big crater where Newport, South Wales used to be, which is about the best thing that could ever happen to that pestilential town.


The panic buying doesn't seem to be as bad as it was five years ago where I live. Last time, the petrol station at my nearest supermarket (a mere ten miles away) had a two mile long queue. WHat had happened that the people queuing up for petrol had unwittingly blocked a major road junction, so there were drivers trapped in that queue who hadn't intended to fill up on petrol. I wonder how much petrol they used up by spending 2-3 hours in that queue...

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well exactally, quite right troll! i have to go past a petrol station to get to work and i had to leave 20 mins earlier becasue i couldnt help but get caught up in a petrol que i didnt wanna be in cos people were blockign the main road! it sucks!:D
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