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Battlescape Scoring


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You might want to note that the 20 points for a killed soldier are for brand new recruits. More experienced soldiers increase this value up to 70 or so points. 20 is the base value, so to say. The larger value is used against your score under a variety of circumstances.


Actually, someone on this forum produced a very comprehensive table on soldier loss values under a variety of weird circumstances.



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The cutoff points for missions can be found on page 2 in the Game Data, ... from the OSG thread.


Ok, we have all seen the end of mission debriefing screen showing the points lost or gained by doing various things during a mission. More importantly, the screen also shows your overall points for the mission as well as a ranking (Terrible, Poor, OK, Good or Excellent). Did you ever wonder what is the range for each ranking? I did! So I spent some time testing this out. Here are my results:


Terrible: -∞ (negative infinity) to -200

Poor: -199 to 0

OK: +1 to +200

Good: +201 to +500

Excellent: +501 to +∞ (positive infinity)


This test was done on Beginner diffulty during a Terror mission. Higher diffulty levels will probably result in the same numbers and ranking because of the way scoring is tabulated.

Now, for end of month scoring, things haven't been nailed down quite yet. However, the Official Strategy Guide from TFTD (also by our friend David Ellis) claims end of month scoring is dependant upon difficulty level too:


Excellent:  +501 to +∞

Good: 0 to 500

OK: (-900 + (100*Game Difficulty level)) to -1

Poor: ((-900 + (100*Game Difficulty Level)) - 300) to (OK rating - 1)

Terrible: (Poor rating - 1) to -∞

But all this is heresay since this hasn't been thoroughly tested in X-COM. Take it with a grain of salt for now. :D


[Edit: Game difficulty level is a number starting at 1 for beginner and increasing by one for each skill level higher].


Actually, someone on this forum produced a very comprehensive table on soldier loss values under a variety of weird circumstances.

That would be me too. Same topic, but earlier in the second page:


Ok, I spent an exhaustive few days testing these scenarios out. Why did it take so long? Well, seems as though I did not have a single game with the small launcher researched. The small launcher is necessary to stun regular X-COM soldiers because the Stun Rod will not work against them. The Stun Rod will work if the X-COM soldier is under alien control though.


For the following data I did not attempt #5, only numbers 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. I also thought it would be appropriate to check each scenario out inside and outside the landing craft to make comparisons. Turns out that the number is the same whether the soldier is inside the landing craft when you dust off or outside.


1) Soldier left outside when you evacuate. Result: MIA for -20 points. This is a concrete number, and will not change with the rank of a soldier.


2) A stunned soldier on or off a landing craft when you evacuate. Result: 0 points. Same deal here, the number is not rank dependant.


3) A soldier is stunned and blown up with an explosive blast inside or outside the landing craft. Result: 0 points. Again, this is a fixed number and cannot be changed.


6) A soldier under alien control inside or outside the craft when evacuating. Result: MIA for -20 points. Need I say it again? Not rank dependant.


7) A soldier under alien control and stunned inside OR outside the landing craft when evacuating. Result: MIA for -20 points.


Here are a couple more scenarios that I thought of and tested.


8) A soldier that is shot and killed while under alien control inside or outside of the craft when you dust-off. Result: same points as if the soldier is just killed normally. This is rank and skill dependant.


9) A soldier under alien control, stunned and blown up with an explosive blast inside or outside the craft when you dust-off. Result: same points as if the soldier was is killed normally. Rank and skill dependant.


So put that in your pipe and smoke it!  :D

ps. - I do not endorse smoking in any way! ;)

Hopefully this helps somewhat.


- Zombie

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