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Hang on... Where is the clapping smily?!


There is none!  :D

Wait. Isn't this a clapping smily: :D


While looking at the wiki the other day for clues about the function of morale, I noticed the table for base morale loss when a comrade dies. Just by observation, I noticed a pattern. Assuming the 110 constant comes into play again, I formulated an equation for that data too:


Morale Loss (death) = (110 - Bravery) / 5


In the Officers section below are a couple of equations:


Morale loss on personnel death equals:


Base morale loss x (100% - Leadership bonus) = adjusted morale loss (drop fractions)

Adjusted morale loss x Rank modifier = final morale loss (drop fractions)

Therefore, we can substitute my equation into the top equation:

[(110 - Bravery) / 5] * (100% - Leadership bonus) = adjusted morale loss


This equation is then multiplied by a "Rank modifier" to yield final morale loss. But what is the value of the "Rank modifier"? If someone could explain that, then I might be able to apply those formulas to my equation on Morale Loss when injured. (No sense in reinventing the wheel, right). Right now, my equation would look something like this:


Morale Loss = INT( (110 - Bravery) * Health Loss / 100 * (100% - Leadership bonus) * (Rank modifier))


In any event, I still need to do more testing to verify if this equation is accurate. :)


- Zombie

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This equation is then multiplied by a "Rank modifier" to yield final morale loss. But what is the value of the "Rank modifier"?  If someone could explain that, then I might be able to apply those formulas to my equation on Morale Loss when injured. (No sense in reinventing the wheel, right). Right now, my equation would look something like this:


Morale Loss = INT( (110 - Bravery) * Health Loss / 100 * (100% - Leadership bonus) * (Rank modifier))


Good job!


Rank modifier doesn't come into play when you get hurt, I'm pretty sure.


Anyway, it's called "death morale loss" in the table in the officers section.


- Knan

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Rank modifier doesn't come into play when you get hurt, I'm pretty sure.

Excellent. Then it's one less variable I have to worry about. A revised equation for morale loss due to injury would look something like this:


Morale Loss = INT( (110 - Bravery) * Health Loss / 100 * (100% - Leadership bonus))


Anyway, it's called "death morale loss" in the table in the officers section.

Gotcha. How is that column calculated, though? Inquiring minds want to know. :D


- Zombie

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Gotcha. How is that column calculated, though? Inquiring minds want to know.  :D


By having officers shot, mostly :D


Bring one officer only to the battlefield, have him shot by an alien. Note how much more morale drops than if a rookie/squaddie is killed. That's the factor.


- Erik

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