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MAD score


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I just got a score of 22,000 points for November, 1999. I assaulted at least 30 UFOs (3 battleships, landed) and took out 6 alien bases. 6 alien bases in one day, heh heh.


Anyone ever gotten over 22,000 points for one month?

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I'm only on veteran, so it isn't anything SPECTACULAR but here's what I have total:


6 bases, 1 on every continent save for Antarctica


3 Skyrangers

8 Interceptors

1 Firestorm

2 Lightnings

2 Avengers


(all seven landing craft have fully operational squads with at least two guys on each who have powerful psi-attack)


120 Scientists

213 Engineers

187 Soldiers


I'm all about expanding like crazy. I figure by June 2000 I'll send a mission over to Cydonia. Before I got to Cydonia I always get all 8 base slots filled completely, all hangars filled with craft, all guys loaded with armor according to their rank:


Rookie/Squaddie: Personal Armor

Sergeant: Power Suit

Captain/Colonel/Commander: Flying Suit

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From those numbers it seems like you probably build up your staff of scientists and engineers early in the game when you get the cash. I'm at the beginning of June in a game and it just doesn't seem possible that I could ever reach those numbers by November. I thought of a few more questions I'd like to ask but I think I'll make a seperate post with them.
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