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Ending Text


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Hey guys. In doing my fanfic work and coming up with mucky and half-baked theories on the nature of alien life, I keep needing to refer to the ending text for the first game *Enemy Unknown) and the second game (Terror from the deep).


I would really, really appreciate it if one of you guys could post sscreenshots of the ending text. *Salutes* Much appreciated if it turns out to be possible.

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TFTD has two outros, basically the same, but one is a movie and one is a slideshow. I'm too lazy to unzip my Dos version so I can take screenshots of said slideshow, but here's the UFO outro screens -











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And here's the text on its own if you need it:


As you enter the chamber you see the alien brain - the object of your quest. Before you can fire it communicates to you via a screen at its base. It implores you to listen to its arguments for survival before you make the decision to pull the trigger...


The brain speaks: "Many millions of years ago the planet you call Mars was alive. This life was brought to a barren planet by our civilisation as it was to yours. For millions of years we have visited your planet and genetically developed your species. You cannot kill us; you are part of us...


Here is the centre of Martian civilisation - the pyramids built millions of years before yours - by a species that is your ancestor. No planet is beyond our reach. This power could be yours before long. All we ask is your co-operation..."


The alien brain is interrupted by a burst of hot plasma, and the entire alien force is defeated.


Once the aliens have lost Mars they have lost the earth. Before long the XCom research allows humanity to flourish once more, and claim Mars for itself. The alien menace has gone, but for how long, no one knows...

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Here's the text of TFTD's 3 possible endings:


You have failed to stop the Alien war machine.

The funding organisations, disillusioned

with your ability try to negotiate a non

military solution with the Aliens.

The Invaders have a very different agenda

and soon the whole world is aware of the truth...


The Alien forces over run the land.

Once the Ultimate Alien has been revived

they flood the world by melting the ice caps.

The huge Alien ship, T'leth, rises from

the ocean and sears the remaining cities

to rubble. The atmosphere becomes clogged

with the dust of the carnage and the

world begins to warm.

The remaining humans are rounded up and

utilised to produce breeding stock for a

new Alien world. We can offer no resistance

to the new world order.

The knowledge gained during the conflict

is lost forever.

You have failed to save the Earth.

Humankind is reduced to materials for

Alien schemes, soon the Earth is a

flooded and desolate place.



We have failed, the Aliens have annihilated our

last hopes of salvation.

X-COM is destroyed and the Earth is laid at

the feet of the ancient enemy.

T'leth thunders high into the stratosphere

and begins to move across the face of the world.

Dispensing death and harvesting the remnants of

the human race. Deep in its bowels the murderous

Alien mind begins to rouse itself.

In the capital cities of all nations desperate

plans are drawn up. All is for nought, without

the technology afforded by the X-COM research

project our weapons are ineffectual.

The Aliens set up bases at the polar caps and begin

to melt the ice, the world will become a vast sea.

The remains of the human race are rounded up and

utilised in vile breeding experiments for unknown

Alien ends. Skys darken and a mighty pestilence is

upon the lands of the Earth.

We can offer no resistance to the new world order,

those that try meet a fiery fate at the hands of

incomprehensible Alien weapons. For the rest of us

no such blessed release, mother Earth becomes an

Alien world and humankind is lost beneath a crawling




The Tomb, ravaged and decimated, a bubbling roar

comes from the casket in its centre.

Fools you will all perish.....................

.................none can escape.

A massive explosion erupts from the tomb and

rips through the city, debris and smoke fill

the air. The plans of the Aliens are foiled........

The twisting hugeness of T'leth begins to rupture.

Flames and smoke spew from its gleaming spires and

adamantium halls.

The mighty Alien fastness tumbles towards the sea,

the screams of tortured metal and souls

fills the air. No longer will the Great Dreamer

dream of conquering the world.

One final ear-splitting concussion of sound and

T'leth tears itself apart.

The Alien threat is gone, the Earth is cleansed..................

A sleepy blue-green planet, in a distant corner of

the galaxy.

The near future, a safe place to be.

The Alien menace to the Earth has been long vanquished.

Vast metropolis like cities house the teeming billions of


The deeds of X-COM and the Alien wars are the stuff of

children's stories.

But legends have always had a habit of containing a

grain of truth.............

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  • 2 weeks later...
Of course winning the second alien war seemed like a hollow victory (at least according to info in interceptor), though we won, victory came at a price. The destruction caused massive damage to earths atmosphere. Toxic fumes overwhelme many, and humanity is forced in to self contained metropolises, but humanity survives anyway
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