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Skonar's Fan Fiction comment thread.


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Glad you're enjoying things! I write this stuff so people can enjoy it, so, huzzah. :D


I think it's very difficult to not adore Chryssies. They're awesome. Not exactly cuddly. You'll see some alternate takes on what they look like as times go by.


Unfortunately, it is going to be a long way off... But I assure you, it will be worth it. The Gearhead short was, really, a kind of prototype of Siege in New York.


Anyway, keep enjoying it, AM: And remember....



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  • 3 weeks later...

Ladies and gentleman. In New York, the bugs are loose, and the word 'Zombie' has found its origin.


The skyrangers are in the air, the various elements that will make this battle known as the Siege of New York are finally, finally coming into place. Phase one, the preliminary investigations, is over. We're in phase two, the Response.


It's not even lunchtime yet. By one thirty, maybe the troops will be on the ground. By three PM, things will look dire. And as the introductory piece that ran while the datafile was compiling shows, by four, this whole thing is getting out of hand.


The wild ride's beginning. I hope you enjoy it.


X-Com Chronicles: Siege of New York

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Ladies and gentleman. In New York, the bugs are loose, and the word 'Zombie' has found its origin.


Hmm. The link is broken, for some reason. Shows up fine when I try to reply to your post, however.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

OMG! I'm so glad I had the chance to stumble back in and find this [siege of New York]! I agree with the comments above about the description of the laser rifle, hope the sweep team finds it. And I'm savoring the foreboding feeling of "it's all going down the crapper inevitably", but I still want the definitive answer on whether an MP5, full clip, can take down a Chryssie. Hope you can help... :)


And Boris. That's a guy who knows his job. And his job is Damage Limitation.

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Well, thank you! XD


Just how far down the crapper will it go, though? Therin lies the true question.


As for an MP-5 and a chryssie... where's it aimed, and how old and well fed is the chryssie? I think most of Smitty's compatriots may have had a litle trouble, given their silence, but there's a gentlemen we'll soon meet who's always on the money - perhaps he'd fare somewhat differently.


I'm back from my AWOLness but I've caught one heck of a cold! D: Fear not, though, updates will be returning on sundays and wednesdays.

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As am I, after a couple of weeks of hair-pulling-ly frustrating maintenance on my pc, it finally died, so I've here on a new one.


In my absence (and boredom), I've been sketching up a few x-com concepts for giggles. Semi-inspired by the datacanister entries, I suppose. Once I've got them polished up in a paint program I might start a thread for ya.


Anyway, I'm off to catch up on my Siege fix.




Oooh, chryssies vs mp5's.

I agree, a 9mm doesn't seem likely to pierce the shell, aside from maybe a joint at a stretch. I mean, look at the rifles performance in the game.... I reckon a .45 could get through a freshly "hatched" infant, though.


Get well soon, too, Skonar!





Hrmm. Interesting use of a black widow, too. That was the one that got dumped in favour of the F-22, yeah?


Oooh, things are getting bad in nyc.

I like how one of the most fundamental setbacks is something as mundane as logistics. So true.



:) Poor Buck, I had him pegged as a main character, too.


Though on another note, I do like how the flight dynamics (for lack of a better word that comes immediately to mind) are (were?) handled. Y'know, the kinda maneuvers the ufo's pull, and so on. "using it's whole surface as an airbrake" etc.....


I'm also vaguely wondering what kinda ship it was?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Black widow was indeed dumped in favour of the F-22, which I found highly unfortunate because the Widow is just so totally AWESOME.


Unfortunately it is also one of the pinnacles of mankind's air-war technology. Poor Buck. I think this may bode ill, hm? And who else do you have pegged as a main character?


UFOs are just weird. Wait until Cyberdisks start showing up. As for the type, I am thinking medium scout with classic Skonar-esque liberties being taken. (Something that small could totally manuever on a dime like that.)




My favourite segment goes up today. It's tiny, but I adore it.


Start that thread! All threads = good!

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Aye, I knew I remembered the Widow somewhere. Turns out I had a little die-cast model as a kid, heh. According to wiki, it's actually a bit more technically capable than the -22. Sounds exactly like the kinda bird xcom would field.


And yes, "bode ill" indeed. I wouldn't be surprised to see quite a few more birds get splattered before the day's out......


And I kinda see the significance of the new post. It marks a point where the xcom forces have officially had their cover blown. Being seen by some average joe on the street is one thing, since to them one soldier would look about the same as the next.....hell, you could probably claim to be part of FEMA and they'd believe you (chemical release, eh?). Not gonna wash with a detective though, no?


Regarding my potential sketch-thread....yeah, I think I will once I get round to it. Currently starting to get the hang of my not-quite-photoshop program. I'll try to have something up within the next coupla weeks, might encourage others to do the same, hmm?





oh, and other "main characters".....this term isn't meant to flag someone as a character I think will survive the whole event by any means. Now that I've stopped to think, probably any one of the ground forces could (and most likely will) buy it at any time. I had an inkling that Conners would survive his previous encounter, but from the sounds of his condition, his well-being remains to be seen.

The mortality of the xcom forces is starting to become apparent.

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Well there is exactly one person with a 'get out of being dead free' card, and that only lasts about ten days.


Not reassuring, methinks.



(Edit: Actually, there are a couple of others...)

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  • 1 month later...

Welp. Uhh. Thanks to circumstances and being an idiot, I have more or less failed to write anything new for Siege for quite some time. So, I've posted up what's left of the buffer, and will resume posting when there's more material!




Whenever that is...

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The saga's going great... Easily pushing forward to my favorite 'chaptered' Xcom writing. Kansai Arc rocked... as did Unknown Menace... But in covering the wide expanse of the full campaign, the wrenching pseudo-reality felt glazed over to me. (For single-serve reading, Fullauto's pieces are top-notch.)


The hardest part for me is knowing it's still the 16:20 hours on the 23rd, and there's still a long ways until 23:30 on the 24th for Gearhead to drop in. My love of Bradbury's 'Mobile Infantry' just ensures that XCom's Powered Armor has a special place in my heart. (And as adreneline-pumping as the knockoff movie may have been... they killed a piece of me to see the amor left forgotten.)

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  • 1 year later...

Thank you!


I am very glad to have the siege returning to active duty. That 'longest five minutes' of Colonel Deerman's life was... well, it was a doozy.


Edit: Also, internal strife in X-Com... far later on down the line, when FA picks up with some of his stuff set in the decades after the first alien war, you can see some significant internal strife and strife with the US government. Did I rip that off?...


We call it homage.

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  • 2 months later...

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