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A unique experience


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So it's the start of a game, the first month, my soldiers only have laser weapons and no armor. A large scout lands so I launch an assault. I toss a smoke grenade out then next turn exit my hwp, turn, and promptly see 2 sectoids right next to and at the back of the large scout which was fairly close to my Skyranger. At this point I probably should've kept scouting around the LZ with my tank but instead I moved it a couple squares to the side to give my soldiers room to fire. I unload 1 soldier fire and miss, unload the next fire and miss (they're all new rookies), but the next 2 connect and get kills. Now I move my tank to the other side of the ramp and low and behold I spot 2 more sectoids. I unload another soldier and get a kill but stop there. Next turn my tank reacquires one of the sectoids I spotted before and I kill it but this turn just try to get my unloaded soldiers in kneeling defensive positions facing all directions. Next turn plasma shots come in from 2 different directions and my tank is destroyed. I slowly move a couple soldiers out and spot 2 more sectoids. I kill one and back away from the other due to being unable to get a good shot but the following turn a shot comes in from ANOTHER direction killing one of my soldiers. I eventually win but basically every single alien started not only outside their ship but closely surrounding mine. I hadn't recalled ever seeing that before, and thought I did the best I could under the circumstances but the 1 soldier killed really seemed unavoidable. It was too early in the game to have researched motion scanners, and my soldiers were already in a smoke cloud, and I was killing the aliens off as fast as I could.
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Funnily enough, just yesterday I had the exact opposite. I found one bugeye hiding in a barn clear across the map, and every other alien was onboard the ship. Thing is it was a crashed Lg scout, the reactor had blown, but there were no less than 7 suriviors on board! Cool thing is, all but one of them were facing away from the door, so it was pretty easy to gun them all down that turn with a four man fire team.


I have never had such an easy time clensing a room with so many aliens without resorting to explosives.

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I had a mission which had 5/6 floaters hanging around the skyranger, luckily I managed to lose only 1/2 men (it was with no armour, a few laser rifles, mostly normal rifles)


And I had an incident where on a nighttime sectoid terror mission I threw out a smoke grenade, and a sectoid only 3 squares from the end of the landing ramp reaction fired into the skyranger with a stun bomb, lots of unconcious soldeirs :tank:

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anyone ever had a blaster bomb accident? well i was using my avenger as a command post thinking well blaster bombs never miss their mark. fireing them from the back of the ship(inside). everything was going smooth, had good equipment lots of high ranks with high psi ability until a damn blaster bomb clipped the doorway and killed all but one inside, includeing my commander who had been through 143 missions with roughly 100 kills. she was the shit as far as elite troops go. well yea.......blaster bombs are OUTSIDE toys now. :tank:
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oh man i had a badass battle one time. i will never forget it. ok if your looking for a hardcore real challenge battle use xcomutil and set the difficulty lvl to around 100. ok now for the story. one terresite day i landed at your common terresite, well i had the improved tanks and your basic weapons and armor little did i know there were 80 aliens at this terresite. i am not shitting you when i say 80 cause thats how many i killed. if you don't believe me try xcomutil's lvl setting thingy, you'll piss your pants at the number of aliens that are on a map i did! well anyways i created a perimiter around my ramp with my tanks so as my men wouldn't get chewed up when they left the ramp. well that happened anyways some even before they got off the ship. after killing dozens of aliens they still keep comeing this is when i realized that i can't hold my ground and fleed to a nearby building. you know the little 2 story market place house thing with produce and meat on the 1st floor. i got my remaining troops and ran to that as fast as i could get there i had about 12 left. lost about 8 and had 3 tanks, oh i was also using a ship pack which let me carry an ass load of troops. but anyways i never had to play a game where as i was pinned down in a building for so long i got sick of playing it, there was very little building left when i was done and only about 6 troops because i had to run people back to the old coarpses to pull ammo so i could at least try to survive. if it weren't for my tanks i would have never won that battle, know as the Battle of the Snakemen. don't get me wrong it was real f**king cool! i like playing big huge games like that where your massively out numbered. not all the snakemen had weapons cause you can only have 80 items at a site but as soon as i killed one with a gun his body disappeared and another snakeman picked up the gun. seriously try it if you don't believe me. XcomUtil is the best thing since the 486 was invented :alien2:
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Actually, aliens in UFO or TFTD cannot pick anything up, even with Xcomutil. It might have thrown a grenade on the previous turn. You see, their sprites tend to look as though they're not carrying anything in their hands after they throw a grenade.


Instead of increasing the number of aliens and cranking up their stats, how about decreasing your numbers and dropping your firepower level a notch or two? It won't hurt the item limit and the once pathetic aliens like the floaters and snakemen turn into terrible menaces.




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this one time i was invading a downed snakeman terror ship, im at the western entrance, men waiting for bravo sweeper team to get in through the eastern entrance as usual, and this chryssalid walks by, ON FIRE!!! :tank: , my men stare but dont shoot....... i think, 'this is pretty funny' (save game), eliminate the chryssalid, and the rest of the ship's crew. back at base, order an auto cannon, heavy cannon and a rocket launcher(all with incindiary shots) to continue my "research" into chryssalid flamability
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