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Incoming UFOs


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This in my own interpretation, but I believe it's an alien raid. I guess they actually wanted aliens to use this method when trying to justify the existance of human equipment in the hands of aliens like smoke grenades. It doesn't seem to leave any infiltration, so the corp is in no real danger.


Note that it doesn't seem to matter which beam it is when they do it over your bases, you get the base under attack mission.

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It's called Micronoid Rain. It's not officially called that, but fans have been calling it that for years.


Essentially, it's like the UFO is dropping a rain of micronoids down onto the building in an attempt to instantly take over that company. No troops are dropped, so it's useless to investigate. This attack doesn't always work, but when it does, the company instantly turns over to the aliens, even if they were your best allies.


Imagine the infiltration missions from UFO and TFTD. It's a bit like that, but not on the same scale or nastiness. It's only a real loss in Apocalypse if it's an ally that supplies important tools, like Marsec or Megapol.



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I believe the Micronoid Rain effect is also based on the current level of infiltration of that company. 0% = very low, but 50% gives it a higher chance of success. I've never had the MR take over any company and I usually have them all at 0%.
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