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The elusive 'Hit' attack

Crouching Squaddie

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In the manuals guide to the battlescape, there is suppose to be an option to 'hit' the alien with your rifle/ laser/ plasma if you're standing right next to the guy.


even though i was suspicious, i loaded up a game to try that feature recently..

i tried the rifle, pistol, all the laser weapons and plasma weapons, and after watching my guys die over and over again, i had a sense of deja-vu.


i tried this once already in the past when i played xcom for the first time years ago.

back then, i didnt test this supposed attack until i had the psi-amp, where i eliminated risk of getting my guys blown away at point blank when the hit option didnt even show up.



i even tried to edit the obdata.dat file to see if there was a way to insert a 'hit' option. That failed, but i managed, like everyone else whoever took a hex editor to the game files, to 'create' auto-fire for the heavy laser.


anyone else see the 'hit' feature available?

or was it one of the locked features like alien reproduction?

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i wonder why it was removed, but i'll have to read up on the disappearing bug.


well, heavy laser sucked anyway, so i didnt use it.

sadly, when i played xcom for a second time, it was to explore what i could edit with the hex editor.

needless to say, i only tweaked with the transfer, obdata, base construction times, soldier stats back then.



I did giggle a bit, mostly at the absurdity when I turned the laser pistol into a death ray - 1% to fire anything, 150% accuracy all around, and 250 damage. cant recall if i shot apart a UFO or not.

but the fun died after 2 miision when even a rookie was more deadly than a sectopod or blaster bomb launcher.


also i laugh and cried when a shot somehow missed and the friendly fire killed. :blush:

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I call the disappaering bug the stacking bug. Here's what you do.


Pick up the item you want to place under a certain location in your inventory (works with the ground too if you need to clear a slot to put something else down). Now move it across to the scroll button for the floor item list and click on it. Then drop the item down in one of your inventory slots. In this example, pick up the stun rod and place it in one of your hand slots. Notice that it'll be placed but appear invisible.


Do not click on the floor scroll button again or else you'll have to start over.


Finally pick up the other item you want stacked and place it over the invisible item. Then hit the floor scroll button to reveal it.


In the battlescape, notice that you'll have a 'stun' attack on your gun. Ignore the fact that you're holding a stunrod and the ammo counter is missing. The stun attack will show that it needs 50% of your TUs as opposed to the Stun Rod's 30%. Try walking up to an enemy and use it. It'll kill instead of stun.


In effect, you are using your gun, but using the stun rod's melee attack option to access its melee stats.




I think the hand to hand attack can be re-enabled if we could only find the weapon menu settings in the tactical executable. The obdata.dat file does indeed keep the damage type and damage strength for melee attacks on all items. Unfortunately, melee damage appears to double as the ammo count for ammo clips.



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There is also a hidden stat for all the aliens known as Close Combat Base Accuracy. The OSG lists these numbers even though most aliens do not have HTH attacks. Theoretically, HTH accuracy would be found using the Close Combat number as well as the accuracy of the melee hit from that weapon/item. (Throwing Accuracy might be a factor also, but I doubt it).


Since these numbers are still hard-programmed into the game, it would stand to reason that the "hit" command could be resurrected somehow by messing around with the game files. :blush:


- Zombie

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