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Orange tile in Battleship?


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You win if you hit the brain. Put the relevant tiles in a map, and there you go. I'm guessing and working by memory, but Daishiva's map viewer color codes everything - alien alloys, engines, and 'victory tiles'. So look for the ones he colored orange.
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will do, i'll check now

however, if you destroy a victory tile then it might cause the game to give you a lot of points, in TFTD if you put a synonium device as your custom ships main power source and destroy it, you'll get the 750 points. Don't ask me why i said that


The master Brain is Blue

The Synonium device is purple

there ARE deep purple command tables in the MCDs for Battleship, but i don't know what purple means. Power sources are very deep red.

but i don't think there is anything to end the mission on a battleship

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... as I said. Too much urge to collect and present data and evidence, too little logical thought and deliberation.  :)

Unfortunately, logical thought and deliberation do nothing to prove a claim. Sure, you can convince yourself that you've solved the problem via logic outside the game, but the only way to establish the validity of a statement is to (wait for it now)... collect and present data and evidence from within. I'll attest that misreading might play a small factor in this case, but I take everything at face value. And it never hurts to test. :)


The original quote was this:

(there is one specific tile on the battle ship map, if you can control it you will win without any more losses, no matter how many aliens are still in the ship).

Read literally, it mentions you can control one specific tile (not multiple tiles like a lift) and win. Still, we now know for a fact that there is no such tile on a battleship (thanks to blehm and backed up by myself through tests). The proof is in the pudding. :)


- Zombie

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I was the person who made the original claim of the 'orange tile' and what I meant is what everyone here knows: the quicker you reach and control the central lift area (which acts as a chokepoint for the aliens) the easier it gets to deal with the Battleship crew. Sometimes it is even best not to make holes on the UFO with explosives because it will give the aliens more exit routes.


This tactic works pretty well with all aliens, although the occasional curious Chryssie :) sometimes decides to check the entrance (with their bloody 120 tus!), usually with very nasty consequences for your men :)

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  • 3 years later...

I didn't quite know where to put this, but here seems fine. :)


Anyway, the other day I was on a Floater Battleship mission in the desert and one of my men had to go inside the UFO to clean it out (usually my troops remain outside and just peek in every turn to kill any aliens coming down the lift). I knew a Reaper was still in there somewhere since the game mentioned it panicked in a previous round. My soldier heads to L1 and there near the East side of the central lift was a Reaper stuck in the wall. Darn spawn point problem again! So, I fixed the node (you can find the single fix here, or it also comes bundled with my Combo Patch Kit). Now, I looked at the spawn points near the bugged one inside the hallway and noticed all the other nodes are set for small units so that's what I set the fixed node to. This makes sense because a Reaper couldn't possibly squeeze through a single width door in the first place. :blink:


Any of you notice a large unit in this room on L1? :




I could never quite figure out why the map programmers decided that large units could go there either. A single width door would indicate only small units should spawn there, no? Might just fix this too, but I wanted some opinions first. ;)


- Zombie

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Indeed, if a large unit can't get from it's spawn point to your drop ship, then in my book it's "trapped".

A caged animal! :)


I was thinking about this all last night and most of today trying to figure out if the caged animal syndrome is an intended feature of the programmers. On one hand you could argue that it was because it makes the game harder (sometimes Cyberdiscs spawn in that particular room in the battleship and let me tell you it's tough to fight them in an enclosed area not only due to reaction fire but also the auto-detonation capability). On the other hand it could be a bug. :blink:


This evening I studied all the spawn points for each UFO in the game and my conclusion is that the "Any" spawn point within the ships with single doors are all bugs. It's also a bug if the "Any" size is used in an area of a UFO with small doors as well. To back this up, I also looked at what size unit could follow the routes branching from each node and most of those are set to small. Looks like I'll be doing some major reconstructive surgery on UFO spawn points this weekend. Will let everyone know when the patches are available. ;)


Edit: you can now find spawn point fixes for the UFO's in our X-COM Patches files section. I think I caught most issues and even managed to fix a few more problems along the way. (Exception: the Medium Scout has a slight issue I need to fix yet but the file is fine either way). As I mentioned in a few of the descriptions, some of these fixes will not change overall game-play one iota. (If large units don't spawn on a map of a particular ship, small units will be substituted as usual. The only time you would see a change is if you heavily modified the executable to allow terror units). Still, it's good to have an up-to-date version of those files anyway. It may even allow the game to run faster as it isn't trying to move a large unit someplace where it can't fit. The only ship without a major spawning problem was the Supply Ship so I didn't touch the download. Will add these to the Combo Patch tomorrow. :)


- Zombie

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