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I have a few questions about https://ufopaedia.xcomufo.com/pics/fire_ground.gif :


1) Does anyone know how long fire lasts, both on the ground, and also, on a unit that's caught fire?

2) The OSG says in its 'Fire and Smoke Damage' section, that "Armor, no matter what type, provides no protection against fire,..." and yet, then directs you to Table 8-7, which claims that Personal Armour takes 80% fire damage, and Power/Flying Armour takes 0% damage! That, to me, would signify that armour does offer protection against fire... I'm confused :)... Does anyone know anything about this?

3) Is there a 'unit is on fire' flag in the unitref file?

4) When standing in fire, is that unit taking smoke stun damage simultaneously, or is smoke separate to fire?

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i don't think they can exist on the same tile, because smoke is like what happens if it is almost a fire but not quite


hmmm, about armor, that is odd, although i am almost positive that armor has absolutely no effect on fire at all

edit: it is quite possible that it meant smoke stun damage, because power and flying suit don't take smoke stun damage, but i don't know about personal amor

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Each suit of armour - well, to be more precise, each player sprite grouping has two different armour protection values.


1. Damage resistence

2. Direct damage reduction


Damage resistence is basically how much damage each particular type of weapon damage that sprite will receive. Like sectopods take double damage from lasers.


Direct damage reduction is represented by the armour values you can see in the ufopaedia or the battlescape unit information screens. The front, rear, under and side armour. All they do is deduct damage from the damage value after the game rolls the dice and multiplies it by the damage resistence modifier.


I believe what the OSG is claiming is that it bypassess damage reduction, but not the damage modifier.


Standing in fire - or fire that sticks to you - simply deducts directly from health.



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Well said, NKF. :)


1) The duration of a fire depends on a main factor: flammability. The more flammable the tile is, the longer the fire will burn. Alien alloy walls and hulls can't burn, so therefore a fire only lasts for about 3 rounds. Wheat fields on the other hand, are quite flammable and will remain on fire for a long time. I think units are grouped in the same category as Alien alloys. Fires on a person/alien only seem to last 3 rounds.


4) Good question. Like blehm said, smoke and fire cannot occupy the same tile at the same time. But walking around in fire and ending a turn standing in smoke will impart some stun damage. Though stun damage from smoke is negated by the Power Suit and the Flying suit. Then again, so is fire. :)


- Zombie

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Here's something absolutely brilliant that I've only just noticed today after responding to a query on the xcomufo forum. The question was what happened to units in smoke. My finding? Well, incendiary impact damage deals damage to units in fire, but deals stun damage to every unit standing in smoke.


Incendiary rounds appear to be quite diverse, aren't they?



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Here's something absolutely brilliant that I've only just noticed today after responding to a query on the xcomufo forum. The question was what happened to units in smoke. My finding? Well, incendiary impact damage deals damage to units in fire, but deals stun damage to every unit standing in smoke.

Very impressive NKF! I rarely get excited about X-COM anymore, but finds like this really gets the creative juices flowing again. Thanks! :)




And from the testing I did, Power Suits and Flying Suits prevents the wearer from catching fire. Imagine my disappointment. Still, It proves that the OSG is correct when it claims that Power/Flying armor takes 0% damage. If a unit can't catch fire, it can't get damaged by it either. Makes sense to me. :)


- Zombie

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