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Is CS Worth Crying About?

Stun Grenade

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he didn't see the hyperlink :)

i am not going there, because the website looks like a rather... "odd" name and i would rather not have a video running on my computer in the middle of the living room that will get my parents very angry at me

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nothing is worth crying over.


Not true, actually. A friend of mine was once stood on an unsteady fence and he slipped. One leg went down one side, one leg went down the other, and he received a fencepost right in the testicles.

We cried. With laughter.

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I went there, but Firefox says I need the Quicktime plugin, which, when I click on the "Install Plugin" button, it says I need to download the whole installer with iTunes and everything.


Which I've already done, like months ago.


I don't get it...



Anyway, what's the matter with CS??

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yes, i hate it when i download the multimedia flashplayer, finish, and then it starts loading, finishes, and starts downloading the flashplayer again

I cannot stand that so badly i usually have the urge to mail a nuke to the stupid multimedia flashplayer website

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So, I take it NONE of you have heard the weird recording at the site? The only question I have is, has that actually happened or not? Because if it has, it has just reaffirmated me never being in customer supper, EVER.
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I dunno. The crying sounds somewhat genuine, since I know that when I was about 6 or 7 I used to get upset in that direction when I had a hard time making use of vertical shooting in the original Doom. This fellah sounds significantly older, however some people are just incapable of "growing up".


I found it entertaining that "Steve" suddenly got sympathetic after the kid started crying like crazy. The media seems to break up towards the end though... Can't make out any dialogue for the final 15 seconds.


PS: For anyone that can't figure out how to run the media, it's actually a recording of a rather immature boy that has called Valve Tech support. I have a hard time deciphering his wordings throughout his blubbering speech, but I gather that he was having a hard time playing the game. He lost frequently and was unable "aim". So he called tech support to blame the game itself for how bad he was, and the support couldn't really help him, of course. The recording starts when he gets in touch with the manager and literally starts to cry because the last guy wouldn't help him. His exact words our: "My Counter Strike is broken" "I always die" "I can't aim! It doesn't aim" "I put it on them, and I click the button and they don't die" "But I have been practicing! I've the game since the day it came out" (Of course one would think you'd have achieved a sense of awareness about the mechanics of the game after about 5+ years of playing it.)


That's the basic gist of it. It's amusing listening to it once, but I honestly am not entertained too much by the kid as much as I am by the tech support manager. The kid just makes me disgusted.

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Not true, SR.  I have it on good authority that you're a dab hand at TimeSplitters, Halo and Rainbow Six, to name a few.


I have it on better authority that i can get a car round a race track much more adeptly!


Like my flight sims too!


but when it comes to shootersm i belive I lack a certain. . .finesse that other players present may posses.

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It works on my Firefox.


I think this is a lot of crap. Nobody could be this poor... If this is for real, I wholly pity this person, and if I were Steve I would have tossed this guy out on his ass (in a figurative sense). Absolutely sad, but not in the way this CS guy was thinking. :blush:

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