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what i wanna see


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The first one would be nice probably, but I do not know if they have plans for anything like that.


For the second one, you can go to the roof of several buildings. Don't know about climbing rocks and so on though...

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  • 1 month later...
I also hope that there's many different musics used in the game. UFO:AMs music set the mood, but all together there were maybe 2-3 different songs. Got a little repetitive since it took me a month to complete the game.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost finished AM now so it's fresh in my mind what I would like to see in AS,....


The movement queue improved. I like the fact you can choose lots of checkpoints for your guys, make them look in this room, that room, then go into that room etc,...but if they could improve it so when you click to open a door it recognises that the door will be open and you can add more checkpoints the other side of the door.

Hope that makes sense.


The ability to hold a rifle in one hand in exchange for lesser accuracy (used to be able to do that in the Xcom games, and yes I know this is not an Xcom game)

I like having a rifle in one hand and a psi amp thing in the other. Mind control the alien, move it close and gun it down.


Better control of your aircraft. If fighters have caught a UFO but it is over water, the option to follow it until over land so you get a crash site. That would be handy, as I honestly didn't get a crash site until well after the Russian base mission, they all happened over water.

Also the ability to send your chopper to a waypoint on the globe, so you can put it near a mission and wait for the sun to come round if you want. Have a radar on the chopper so you can float it over "suspect" areas and find bases or missions. That would have helped me sort the biomass out a bit quicker.


Kaarna wants better mission visibility on the globe, me too!


More aliens! The transgenants were boring. And on that point, better research results. In the Xcom games, part of the reason I researched the aliens was to get the cool pics of them opened up. There aren't any in AM at all, just really hard to see spinning graphics. You should be able to do a research autopsy on dead aliens and also a research on the live ones you caught.

And still on that point, better communication to the player on what is researched and developed. I was still building sun armours before I realised I could build bio armour. There was no research requirement, just because I had killed an alien in bio armour meant I could make it, but the game never gave me a heads up.

And finally, hopefully the research results/write-ups will be more informative/entertaining this time round. I still have no idea what the purpose of the bio-mass was, but then maybe I haven't read a research report yet as the game forgot to show it to me.


Less bugs, AM was full of them and I had to do a lot of fiddling with save files and config in the beginning. Thanks go out to Slaughter for his help on this.


The ability to totally control your bases and what's in them. So you can choose certain defences, research labs, etc etc, basically have the bases run like you did in the Xcom games.


The ability to research and manufacture different weapons for our craft, and also different crafts in themselves. I want a faster chinook with death ray guns!!!


While on the subject of research and development. I wish they would put in an "amount" choice when manufacturing. I had a squad of 15 in AM and I wanted to deck them all out with a warp medikit. If only I could have chosen warp medikit and then also chosen to make 15 of the buggers and set it to work. Real pain in the ass only being able to make one a time, constantly in and out of the development screen setting up the build process.


Keep the levelling up and training of your soldiers like in AM, or tweak it to make it a little better if possible, maybe add in more skills. But I would love to see stats such as morale in there, and have it affected if soldiers die while playing or if lots of aliens get blown up.

Also along with the levelling up, it would be really sweet if they could incorporate the rank system from the Xcom games so you have sergeants and commanders etc. Old Malcolm would have made an awesome drill sergeant and Brian is perfect for a commander.


Hopefully the diplomacy thing will be a substitute for the country funding of Xcom, trying to keep certain areas of the globe happy so they give you money or share their research with you perhaps.

Definitely missed the money management of Xcom in AM


Terror sites please!


Big silly tanks as well please!


The ability to manage stores and supplies. I have so much crap I would have sold if I could in my soldiers equipment screens.


Flash bang grenades would rock!


But the biggest thing without a doubt that would make AS a better experience would be the ability to have multiple teams so you could cover more missions. Really sucks having to ferry a single team of 7 soldiers all around the world in AM.


Ok then, I think that is all I have on my wish list or all I can think of right now.

Time for me to go get my life back that has been stolen by AM,.......but I'll just do one more mission,..... or maybe two.



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From the interview transcripts, some of your points have been addressed by Altair.


Altair have said that there isn't going to be any air combat in Aftershock, so I'm afraid we aren't going to see any chinooks with death rays :blush:


Base design and management is going to be more involved than it was in Aftermath, although I'm not sure if it will approach anything like the level you had in X-Com.


If you go into the glossary screen, you should be able to find the entry on the theory of the purpose of the Biomass if your scientists have got that far. You need to research that for your scientists to work out how to defeat the Reticulans once and for all.


I'm hoping that there will be new alien races in the game as it will make things much more interesting. It makes sense that they would figure out what the Reticulans are up to and decide to take Earth for themselves. Altair have said that you will have to face a new threat in the final third of the game, although they haven't specified what that threat is.


I'm with you on the manufacturing issue. It's a real pain when you've got about twenty manufacturing bases and you have to give them new orders every four game hours. Being able to queue items or set up quantities would be much easier.


I found the inability to get rid of excess equipment annoying as well. I would have liked it if you could have given it to the other Council of Earth forces, thus increasing the chance that they will win a mission that you don't personally handle.


Altair are planning to keep the idea of only having one team, so we are still going to have to decide which missions to accept and which missions to ignore.

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