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Do you people have a music topic? I can't find one and it seems strange.


Just tell everyone what bands you like, maybe post pictures if you have them.


Personally I'm a big Jrock fan, my favourites being Malice+Mizer, Dir En Grey, Moi Dix Mois, I also like more techno outfits like Schwarz Stein and although lots and lots of Mana fans consider him a bit of traitor (since he went from the whole Gothic Aristocrat look and style, to pop music almost overnight) I can't stop loving Gackt!








Pretty, isn't he?

Yes it's a man!

A very old picture, he dresses in a very gothic style now, he doesn't always dress like a girl (sadly) though he never looks explicitly male, which i like, he also hadly ever speaks in public and he never sings - he just writes all the music for his group (Moi Dix Mois and Malice+Mizer before that) and plays some of the instruments (usually Guitar, but also Violin, Harp, and a few others)



Well anyway, those are my favourite artists, with Mana being my all time most beloved. i'd like to hear about some of yours.

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Yeah, we should have a music topic. And in addition, I guess I should make the introduction thread a sticky.


Regarding your music, I don't think I've heard of either. Are there samples on the Internet? I prefer metal and black metal. Here's a list:


- Bon Jovi

- Dimmu Borgir (Black Metal)

- DAD (Disneyland After Dark)

- Guns N' Roses

- Immortal (Black Metal)

- In Flames (Death Metal)

- Iron Maiden

- Kiss

- Manowar

- Metallica

- Moonspell

- Paradise Lost

- Rainmakers

- Many others

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There are places if you do a Google or altavista (my personal favourite) mp3 search for any of the bands you'll come up with somethign eventually, or, failing that, you can give me a shout on MSN at Jainzar@hotmail.co.uk and I'll send you a few.


Seeing as you like metal and that sort of thign I presume you've heard of Nightwish, The Trooper and bands like that?



That's the Moi Dix Mois website. i suggest you let the into load up and play as it contains a short sample of the intro from a track caled Shadows Temple which gives a good indicator as to their style of music.


It's a pretty stingy site to be honest, not much there. Members Voice is the only reason I go there every couple of days in the vain hope of an update on the project (It's Mana's own personal thing, he's the only permanent member of Moi Dix Mois, so it's refered to as a project rather than a band) the vocalist Juka recently left so it's looking like there won't be any releases for a while ;)

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i listen to Classic FM quite a lot, but I couldn't point out many pieces and say i know who they're by.


I should aslo chip in and say I love Nightwish, AFI, Spineshank, ArchEnemy, Motorhead (waarrggh), Children of Bodom, Girl'e, Maternow, Isola. In fact.. i'll listen to almost anything.



another picture of Mana, for no other reason than that I want to steal a pair of ovaries and have his babies. oO This picture is much more up to date.

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Can't be arsed with links! Suffice to say, I like pretty much every musical genre there is. Some of my favourites are Motorhead, the Chemical Brothers, the Hives, Beethoven, Bonny Prince Billy, Jurassic 5, the Rolling Stones, 80's Matchbox B-line Disaster, the Roots, Bob Marley, the Kills, the Zutons, Slayer, the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra...almost anything.
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I'm very much a misc kinda guy...


I tend to link music with stuff I like. I love the song Blue, for example, if only cause my brother kept playing it while I played Bomberman 64... Need I mention that I've got X-Com tunes in my playlist?


The artist who takes the biggest chunk of my playlist is JD Harding, with his bunch of remixes and originals. None lyrical stuff for the most part - the way I like it.


You just can't program with someone yelling in your ear.

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Here;s a slightly less... fanboyish site about Malice Mizer




very informative without spiralling into perversion and lust, as i'm wont to do when talking about Mana.




and here ^ is a site where you can download MM (and many other Jrock tracks) that are no longer available, which is legal, I believe.


(right click, save target as... you know the drill.)

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Some nice music there Harkov. Like the punk, Metallica and so on. Oh, and neat charts! Some sort of plugin or something?

thnx, yep the audioscrobbler plugin. They have one for most of the popular music players.

The best part of it is that they advise you on what other artists you might like by looking at the profiles of people who listen to the same bands as you, and see what other bands they like.


edit: A less attractive aspect of it that some music that I don't want other people to see I listen to (see ashlee simpson in my weekly track list) shows up too ;)

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thnx, yep the audioscrobbler plugin. They have one for most of the popular music players.

The best part of it is that they advise you on what other artists you might like by looking at the profiles of people who listen to the same bands as you, and see what other bands they like.


edit: A less attractive aspect of it that some music that I don't want other people to see I listen to (see ashlee simpson in my weekly track list) shows up too :)



Yeah, I imagine that can be embarrassing. But I guess you had to come out of the closet at some point anyway, so... :)


I might download that plugin. We'll see. I guess it relies on the ID3 tags being correct then?

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Correct ID3 tags are nice, although audioscrobbler has a system for correcting misspelled artist names. I don't know if they are allowing signups at the moment though, there have been some database problems lately.
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I'm really pleased at the moment, I just found out about a newish goth/metal/VK band called Annies Grave, and I found otu that BBC Radio3 are playing all of Beethovens work over the week of 5th - 10th of this month - symphony, quartet, sonata - everything ;)
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A gift from me to you, these are two videos of Malice Mizer, one of the bands i'm a mahoosive fan of.


Le Ciel is a bit choppy (both of these were taken from TV) and grainy, Gardenia is (In my own very humble opinion) a better song, it's excellent quality (apart from a couple of small glitches in colour) and Mana (the guy with blue hair - yes it is a 'he') looks hotter and you see more of him than in the Le Ciel video.




Le Ciel video



Gardenia Video


This kind of music isn't to everyobody's taste, but go into it with an open mind, you might be suprised.



The files expired due to too many downloads or it got to seven days, I'll put them back up if anyone's intetested.

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