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The Sentinel Mod


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The first in what will hopefully be a long line of Silent Storm: Sentinels mods is ready for download. It's called The Sentinel Mod, and you can find it in our files section. The modification makes major changes to both Weapons, Characters, and Perks in the game, to make it more realistic. Thanks to fgbrooks for making the modification!


In addition to this mod, you can find lots of other files related to Silent Storm and it's expansion Sentinels in our files section. Be sure to check it out, and tell us if you see one missing!


Update: If you need help adding the modification to the game, use the S3AddMod tool. Thanks to Novik for making it and vs322 for providing it!

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The first in what will hopefully be a long line of Silent Storm: Sentinels mods is ready for download. It's called The Sentinel Mod, and you can find it in our files section. The modification makes major changes to both Weapons, Characters, and Perks in the game, to make it more realistic.


In addition to this mod, you can find lots of other files related to Silent Storm and it's expansion Sentinels in our files section. Be sure to check it out, and tell us if you see one missing!


Update: If you need help adding the modification to the game, use the S3AddMod tool. Thanks to Novik for making it and vs322 for providing it!


The s3AddNod does not ssem to see the mod unless I rename the file sentinels.db to game.db, but when I try to load the game it faills to load, has any successfully patched a on going game?

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The s3AddNod does not ssem to see the mod unless I rename the file sentinels.db to game.db, but when I try to load the game it faills to load, has any successfully patched a on going game?

Sadly I have yet to test mods for the game, so I don't really know what this might be. Hopefully fgbrooks or one of the other modders can help you once they come online. Oh, and welcome to the boards! :cool:

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Sadly I have yet to test mods for the game, so I don't really know what this might be. Hopefully fgbrooks or one of the other modders can help you once they come online. Oh, and welcome to the boards! ;)

Hi Slaughter,


I have never used the AddMod mod to install a mod in mid-game. I always start with a new game. As far as my Sentinel mod, I have a sub directory under the main directory JoWood/Silent Storm - Sentinels, labeled Sentinel. In that directory I have the sentinels.db file, the Readmemod.txt file, and the s3description.txt file, all of which were included in the zip file, and the following additional files: S2AGAME_Data.MDF, S2AGAME_Log.LDF, and sentinels_original.db. When I compiled the mod, these latter three files (I'm guessing) were automatically written into the dirctory by the Build tool in the S3 Editor. Do I need to make any or all of these files part of the mod zip? Two of the files are quite large.

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here is how to make it work.


install Novik's S3AddMod into S3 main directory.


now install fgbrooks's mod into (already existing) game's sub-directory 'mods'.


then execute Novik's application [outside of the game], it will prompt for choices of the saved games along w/ available mods to modify them. start up S3 and load the modified game. presto!!! it should be point out that you will likely notice a delay on the game load-up screen.


other than that, the mod is superb, imho. especially since it is the first complete alteration. i posted a few questions to fgbrook on Nival's forum.


to Slaughter & DoomMunkey, i understand you have been looking for Russian language translator. Pity, I missed the time when Hammer & Sickle mod was available as a download. But, if you need any help w/ the lingo, I'll do what i can.


i've been fan of the game since i first learned it was made in my old home country. told every1 about it. dissatisfied w/ poor US distribution, i ordered the game from UK, and the stand-alone expansion from NZ.






Za Rodinu, Ura-aaaa!!!

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Thank you for that GoVoR! ;)


Regarding Russian, we could sure use some help. Thanks for offering! First of all, I hear that Hammer & Sickle have been released in Russia? Care to snoop around a few game sites and the Russian Nival forum to check out the response? I haven't heard anything about how it was received, and I'm very curious... Silest.ru might have something on it as well, and it is possible they have the demo release of the H&S mod for download.

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[ask and you shall recieve]


News about H&S:


Nothing substantially new to report. I didnt find a demo version on the usual sites, so I dont think it exists yet :)


what i did find was that Nival was releasing more info about the game's contents. coinsidently, it's already on English version of the site. though, ;):) , the english version has some colums' headings mixed up. it's no biggie, really. u can easily compare w/ the "accurate" russian version


Nothing real new about the disclosed equipment. Though, i dont remeber seeing DeLizi in S2 (dont know about S3 since i only started playing it)


The introduction looks like to be the first of many (why I want to see the actual Hammer & Sickle as melee weapon! Boris' axe was a bit bulky for my scout's taste). So, as I learn more, I'll pass the word



happy gaming

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Nothing on it yet? That's strange! You see, this is what I got from our reporter at E3, Mike:


By the way, they were not showing Hammer and Sickle at all and were not promoting it since it had already been released in Russia.

Now well, maybe it isn't in stores just yet. Keep us posted if you hear anything ;)

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What, you think I can't handle it? Do ya? Do ya?


Well phooey! So far I'm having a good time, and it doesn't seem even that different. Maybe it's more like the way it's SUPPOSED to be....?


Great job, kgbrooks!

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Listen, bastard-face: I handle my toothbrush like it's my woman, caressing her curves, using her to clean my teeth...it's like my woman is a Myna bird and I'm the crocodile. You know, cleaning my teeth?



Screw. I just came off an hour of being INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATED by the difficulty of S3 (custom diff. of about 2.06 with Sentinels Mod installed). I'm not sure I'm ever going to be able to get into the game, as I keep either feeling not challenged enough or in way over my head. I wonder if I'm not strategic enough of a thinker to play this one right...



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Listen, bastard-face: I handle my toothbrush like it's my woman, caressing her curves, using her to clean my teeth...it's like my woman is a Myna bird and I'm the crocodile. You know, cleaning my teeth?

Screw. I just came off an hour of being INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATED by the difficulty of S3 (custom diff. of about 2.06 with Sentinels Mod installed). I'm not sure I'm ever going to be able to get into the game, as I keep either feeling not challenged enough or in way over my head. I wonder if I'm not strategic enough of a thinker to play this one right...



Hi DM,


As the author of the Sentinel mod, I can tell you that the game is much tougher. You really have to use tactics like taking good cover, shoot and scoot, head shots, etc. I wanted more of a challenge, having played the game through at least ten times. However, I may have made the enemies too tough, so I am going to modify them slightly to be a little easier to kill, but not as easy as the original game. I hope that this will help your frustration.

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i've been enjoying playing fgbrooks's mod. npc are smarter using covers & nades to flash out my stealthy scout. i do find a bit challenging w/ my sniper's head shots. though, i like the motto "1 shot, 1 kill", as i recall there was a stand alone mode in S2 which allowed instant death for a successful head shot. that could be overpowering when, lets say, medic w/ less speciality than sniper can execute the same feat.


btw, i dont think the mod affects the scripted mission. imo, NPC's lvls & skills seem to be preset. since even w/out the mod, UN mission was difficult enough.

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To fgbrooks:


im going to continue here the thread about ur mod, which i started on nival forum.


after more play time w/ the mod, my earlier poinst about npc healing and damage messages proved to be unfound.


what i am curious is how the loot prices supposed to work now. on one hand, i found the reduced prices on all equipment for sale at the base. on the other, the weaponary, which i hoard back from encounters, are not now sell for twice/thrice less, i.e. lee engfield rifle for $50 or mp 40 for $150. i wouldnt quip w/ that, but since i can't do the bank job encounter again (even after folllowing Stryker's post), my cash flow is dwindling on base healing and occasional stats upgrade.

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To fgbrooks:


im going to continue here the thread about ur mod, which i started on nival forum.


after more play time w/ the mod, my earlier poinst about npc healing and damage messages proved to be unfound.


what i am curious is how the loot prices supposed to work now.

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i've been enjoying playing fgbrooks's mod.  npc are smarter using covers & nades to flash out my stealthy scout.  i do find a bit challenging w/ my sniper's head shots. though, i like the motto "1 shot, 1 kill", as i recall there was a stand alone mode in S2 which allowed instant death for a successful  head shot.  that could be overpowering when, lets say, medic w/ less speciality than sniper can execute the same feat.


btw, i dont think the mod affects the scripted mission.  imo, NPC's lvls & skills seem to be preset.  since even w/out the mod, UN mission was difficult enough.

I did not change the NPC characterisitics: Viper is still Viper, for example. What you will see in ALL missions are tougher opponents,and the weapons changes. BTW, download my Rev 1 version. I made the enemies a little easier to kill, especially with head shots.

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no biggie.  pitty, though, that i did the bank job before the adding the mod ;-(.


again, a solid mod.  are u working on any other mod?

Thanks for the good words. I would like to add some additional weapons to the game, as well as add items to the lockers in the random missions. I'm very frustrated trying to work with that @#$% editor, so nothing in the immediate future, except for tweaks to the Sentinel mod. I'm really hoping that Hammer & Sickle will be released in the US soon, so that I have a new gaming experience.

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reporting a correction [ GoVoR solemly loads a single bullet into his trusty Beretta]


Hammer & Sickle is out in Russia as of April, 22nd.


I'm yet to find any conclusive data on the english version. On top, those of us residing in US are doomed w/ the poor distribution channel.

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