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I just want a game with that floating city setting and the ability to bust through any part of the damn place that I want.



Gang of thugs got the entrance to that room trapped? Slip out a window, scale the side of the building, and smash in through another window(and hope they didn't trap that one).


Things going too good? Watch out for the friends of the last gang you murdered busting in through the ceiling at random; or god forbid crashing a small flying machine through the FLOOR BENEATH YOU ARGH.


Can't push through the mob of clockwork monstroities to kill the factory making the mob? Sever the corridors connecting the factory to the rest of the place and leave 'em floating about. Just be sure to finish it eventually before they fix the place into a flying fortress...




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Graphically it looks about the same. I'm OK with that, but I was looking forward to at least more character models (which there might be).

I was hoping for a graphical overhaul to match, for example, Dragon Age, which used classic isometric view, and yet it looked fresh and absolutely fantastic.

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I just realised (I'm kinda slow, obviously) that Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition is just the first game (plus expansion and additions).

I, for some reason, assumed this game included the original Baldur's Gate, the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion, Shadows of Amn (BG2) and Throne of Bhaal.


I think my money's better off spent getting GOG's BG1 Complete, BG2 Complete and the mod that merges them together, using a patched Infinity Engine.


Disappointing, oh well, the original is still a kick ass RPG, even without all the new additions.


At least this will bring a real RPG to modern platforms like Android and iOS, and to the current generation of gamers, spoiled by hand-holding RPGs.


New Achievement Unlocked: Killed a Goblin All By Yourself.



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