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They have already said that it will retain the AD&D 2nd Edition system, thankfully.



I'd prefer 3.5


Also they tweeted:


bgee is a Beamdog exclusive. As for other platforms, tune is same time next week hopefully with 100% less explosions


I say this is getting more retarded than ever before:


Steam, Origin, Deasura, beamdog, crap nr X, crap nr Y. Well I wouldn't complain that it would go on GoG because that is the place of this old game even enhanced.

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If it does go on GoG then that would be the only place I'm buying it.


Their commitment to no-DRM titles also means no Steam-clone clients required. And I hate those bloody things.


Also, you left out Impulse and GameFly :blush:

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The bit where he levitates and then shortly afterwards flings the guy off the roof - those two things are what I want in an RPG -not crafting and rubbishy quests.


I may have a problem.


The game does look awesome though. I hope weather plays a part too - whilst it#s nice to see trees and bushes blowing in the breeze, it would also be nice to have stormy weather etc and watch the seasons change.

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  • 2 weeks later...
And no DRM, so all games you buy are *yours* to install on whatever computers you like, and no "internet connection required to play" demented nonsense.


Not to mention you can copy the install file to all your friends and every one is happy :argh: - well except the seller.

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Not to mention you can copy the install file to all your friends and every one is happy :argh: - well except the seller.


If someone is genuinely retarded enough to pay for games which are freely available in order to pirate them, then the human race is doomed.

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I know, but this is a matter of degree. If we're honestly saying that a retard looks at option A, which costs him money, and option B which does not, and both options lead to the same result, and he chooses option A, then we are beyond salvation.


Even retards can work some things out.

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