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That's just it. They'll see the millions of dollars in sales, see the millions of cracks downloaded, and somehow assume that no legitimate user will ever have any need to use a crack, and point to piracy and loss of non-existant billions.


Then they step up the DRM yet again. Red Alert 4 will probably come with muscled goons who will check your disc drives and internet connection every few minutes and then pay themselves out of your bank account.

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Was rather surprised at how long established they were as well.


In other news: PSP fans, if you're like me and don't read the fine print (or follow gaming news in general), the brand new PSP Go will not play your amassed library of UMD discs. It doesn't have a UMD drive. Basically it's built for downloaded content only.


Unfortunately I learned this the hard way. Maybe I should re-evaluate my habit of buying the games before the console. :oh:



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I think Gamespy can skip all the hype and just cut to the chase. Can't really imagine a MMO walking away with the trophy for the best game of the 90's and all of the other games aren't as replayable as X-COM. So X-COM will be #1 as always. :oh:


- Zombie

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No definitely not an RPG at all beyond the aspect of having guys with stats/skills that can be developed.


On the other hand if you start personalizing soldiers by giving them names, or having the soldiers have conversations in your head (acting out a story as it happens), then it is a role playing game in that aspect. But that's just something we add to the game ourselves rather than something that's inherent to the game.


That's one advantage of having a game with same-face generic clones for heroes. :oh:



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Not to mention practically needing to keep your guys alive. Lose a soldier, the survivors take a hit to morale. The higher the dead mook's rank, the bigger the morale loss.


After a while, you get really attached to them :oh:

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*sniff* Don't remind me. Hans Schwartz was with me all the way to Cydonia, where he died just a few turns before the Brain was taken down. Always chewed gum, that guy, and had a heart of gold.
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Hah, I liked to name my soldiers and give them back stories too. Most recently my squad's leader is O Jenkins (Ovaltine Jenkins) and he's the foul mouthed Marine with a heart of gold. His XO is Jazz Hands...he likes jazz.


BTW, I've named them after Shawn and Gus's aliases from the TV Psysch, in case anyone was wondering.

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I don't understand if the list is supposed to be in order of most fun or what, but certainly Tecmo Super Bowl didn't deserve it's #53 slot while Punch Out!! comes in at #7. Tecmo was a blast to play and even more so when you got a group of people together (each playing a single team) for an entire season. Put some real money down in the beginning as a wager and if you do well enough, you might even recoup your initial bet. Tempers can flare at times but it's all in the name of a game.


I drew the crappy Indianapolis Colts as my team one time (although the Browns weren't that good either) and managed to get the most rushing yards for a QB (I think it was Jim Harbaugh, ex-QB of Da-Bears). Too bad this stat wasn't used in the payout scheme. :oh: I did gain the respect of most of the players in the league for using what little I had to almost make it into the playoffs. ;)


- Zombie

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