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You hear the sound of dice. And after perusing it all you still can't help yourself - a long dormant urge dictates: re-roll, re-roll...


If you can muster the strength, rid yourself from the tight grip of perfection; and you shall have succeeded.


At first one cannot quite believe it after all these years, but there it is: the venerable isometric turn-based RPG sitting in the bright burning fires of the unflickering indifference of the modern-day LCD. I conjure a configuration screen and it reads 800x600.


Yet, no doubt a ruse, or so I muse as I wake in an abandoned house. The air is damp - and if it says so then it must be true...




No more shall I say. Roll your own with the demo over at indie devhouse Basilisk Games' Eschalon (Book 1) site. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The popular Codename Panzers series is soon adding another title to its ranks, moving away from its WW2 roots into "Cold War" and looking rather hot feature-wise from what I could gather.


Customisable units with an interesting upgrade system, prestige points for battle achievement and specific area dominance, special squad-leader traits, day/night cycle affecting sight/hearing range, snow, rain and mud affecting movement rates, etc.


It appears you can even custom-paint your units - looking your best for multiplayer blast ? Looks like it too...




For those interested, I believe Atari will push it to stores next week on the 12th ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
A big advantage of console gaming is that you pays your money for the console, and that's it, you know you're good for five-ish years. With a PC, you don't have to keep upgrading but you do if you want to play the latest games. However, there's a massive back catalogue, most of which you can get working in the mean time.
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Concerning the Pirate Bay torrents article:


The testimony fits with repeated defense claims that the site, despite its name, is really just a tool with plenty of legal uses. Infringement can be addressed by going after end-users, not the tool providers. (Attempts by the music industry to do just this across the US and Europe were not exactly embraced by the "tool makers," however.)



Sure, companies/sites which offer illegal things for download are exempt from legal action. We'll just go after the end-users instead.




I've always maintained that in order to combat internet piracy, you must go after the root of the problem: those people offering illegal material for download. If there isn't any material to download, there wouldn't be many issues. Just my 2 cents. ;)


- Zombie

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I see this problem as follows:

The publishers are/were foolish. Instead of embracing Napster in 99, they attacked it. Had they embraced it, they could have had iTunes almost 10 years earlier and made way more money. As long as it's reasonably priced, quite a few people are willing to pay for it. Instead, they've done the best they can to stop digital distribution, and there's still very few good music (as well as movie and game) stores online.


For users, this means that living in for instance Norway, I have to wait years to get hold of quite a few forms of entertainment (especially series and the likes). You can argue that I didn't produce it, so it's not up to me to tell the creators when I should have it available, but for a lot of users it's the choice between buying it online legally or downloading it illegally. They can't stop piracy (even if people go back to copying from others with DVD/external HDs again to avoid the Internet), so why not make as much money of the Internet as possible instead?


Torrent sites (and all the other download services) may be viewed as simple thievery by some, but it's also a reaction to the industry's lacking action. Pirate Bay and other torrent sites are very effective distribution channels (I often download Linux ISO's and the likes from them), and they should be embraced by the industry. I agree that it's not right of them to provide such an easy way to share illegal content (would be easy enough to validate new torrents and remove anything illegal), but at the same time it forces the publishers to try and create a presence online (like iTunes store and similar music/movie/game distribution channels).


One last point that worries me a little if they manage to shut down Pirate Bay is censoring. One of Internet's great strengths in my opinion is its censor freedom. If the publishers manage to "censor" illegal distribution of their products, MANY others will try (Christians feeling anything Black Metal should be censored by the ISP's and so on).

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Torrent sites (and all the other download services) may be viewed as simple thievery by some, but it's also a reaction to the industry's lacking action. Pirate Bay and other torrent sites are very effective distribution channels (I often download Linux ISO's and the likes from them), and they should be embraced by the industry. I agree that it's not right of them to provide such an easy way to share illegal content (would be easy enough to validate new torrents and remove anything illegal), but at the same time it forces the publishers to try and create a presence online (like iTunes store and similar music/movie/game distribution channels).

I have nothing against torrents, they are a great place to get things. The problem is, these services are not regulated, neither by a local government or international entity, nor even themselves most times. I'd be the first to complain about regulation in this nook of the industry, but right now there are basically no rules or laws which punish said companies for knowingly offering up illegal digital media. Instead, the companies want to punish the people who download the illegal material from them. Solicitation is illegal in most countries, so why doesn't this cover torrent sites too? Baffling. Like you say though, if the owners of such sites would be more vigilant in determining the legality/copyright infringement of uploads via validation, everything would be hunky dory. ;)


- Zombie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bioshock 2 teaser webpage


Love the web page, but one thing bothers me. The news paper articles are supposed to be torn out of the papers, right? Well, they don't really look like they are, they look kind of fake. If I tried to tear out an article, I think the tears would be more straight. And what about the fibers you see when you tear? They seem to be missing here. What o you think?

And yes, I know I'm nitpicking. :D

I really like the web page. :laugh:

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Over at Kerberos forum, I got a sniff of one of the more serious RTS titles of 2009. :laugh:




(Click pic)



The Russian units are 100% historically accurate (we even use the early version of T-34 tank, since it’s 1942 in the game). And that’s one of the weirdest things about the game. You have authentic Red Army units and use them to fight something absolutely inimaginable. Martian units are less historically accurate, only about 80%.

Gotta love that serious aproach, this sounds like something worth playing. :D


And don't miss the

. (I hope the soundtrack doesn't sound too much Snap.) The soundtrack is apparently made by
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